Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Bridge over the North branch of the river Lee, &c., be forthwith proceeded on, and that the Mayor write to our Representatives to forward same ; It., that a memorial be prepared to Parliament, praying that the profits of the Weigh Houses of said City be vested in the Mayor, &c., and such com- missioners as shall be appointed by Parliament, for such public uses as they shall think most necessary; It., that a like memorial be presented to the Lord-Lieut.; It., that a clause for establishing an Assay office, for assaying plate in this City, be added to the above Law ; It., that the proprietors of the ground agreed to be taken for markets be at liberty to apply to Parlia- ment to add a clause to the above Bill for empowering them to make a lease thereof to the Mayor, &c., pursuant to the order of Council for taking same._ Present-The Mayor, Sher. Sadlier and Lumley; Alden. W etherall, Row- land, Lawton, Harding, Kent, Carleton, Travers, Kellett; Mr. Izod, and Allen, C. S. 15 Feb., 1786. We, the Mayor, &c., duly assembled, thinking fit to supersede the several valuators heretofore appointed for the several parishes of the City of Corke and suburbs thereof, according to an act passed, &c., do appoint John Good, grocer; Alcock Ottley, chandler; Dan I. Foley, woollen draper; Will. Lamb,_ ~- 4 gent. ; and Robt. Edwards, brewer, of the parish of S. Nicholas: John Bes- .-. /nard, sail maker; Gibbs Ross, cooper; John Wily, smith; and Rich d. Clea~ and John Rowand, merchts., of the parish of S. Paul: Thomas Campbell, shopkeeper; Charles Dickenson, brazier; Dan I. Knight, grocer; Francis Beek, brewer; and Emanuel Hutchins, brewer, of the parish of S. Peter: Edmond Kennifeck and Barth. Guynan, merchts.; Thomas Gonnell, cooper; Solomon Newsom, merch t. ; William Shea, cooper and butter buyer, of the Parish of S. Mary Shandon : Thomas Hewett, chandler ; Thomas Exham, merch t. ; Edward Pope, cooper and butter buyer ; Thomas Crofts, chandler ; and Thomas Hoskins, tanner, of the Parish of S. Ann : John Barcroft Haughton, shopkeeper ; William Wherland, ironmonger ; William Phair, / paper maker; Barth. C1·eagh, tobacconist; and John McGivin, of the Parish of the Holy Trinity: all which parishes are situated in said City. Abraham Lane, brewer; Sam 1 • Hobbs, carpenter ; Christr. Hewett, gent. ; John May- bury, cooper ; and Edwd. Wynne, tanner, of the Par. of S. Finbarry, to be valuators for the better regulating the police of the City of Corke, &c.

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