Ordered, that £300, due by the Corporation deed to the City and County Annuity Society, with interest, &c., be paid; It., that an advertisement be inserted in the News Papers, that this Board will receive proposals from persons disposed to nndertake lighting the Lamps of this City for any term not exceeding three years ; It., that £3 8s. 3d. be paid Mary Ballard, half a year's wages for cleaning the Mayor's Office; It., £6 Os. 5d. to Heylen Mayberry, his accou.nt; It., £71 17s. 5d. to James and John Knight, printers ; It., that a posting be put up in the Exchange, that the Mayor will receive proposals fro.m persons willing to undertake the roofing and flooring an outhouse belonging to S. Stephen's Hospital; It., that no printing work be paid for as done, but by an order in writing from the Mayor; 1t., that Mr. Kent do call upon the several persons employed by the Corporation to furnish their accounts every quarter of a year; . It., that no WOl'ks but of immediate necessity be undertaken without an order being given by this Board. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Shaw and Waggett; Alden. Baker, Webb, Butler, Lawton, Owgan, Harding, Kent; Mr. Browne, Izod, Morrison, and Mr. C. S. 29 May, 1784. No members attending, the Mayor was obliged to· break up.-Ed~ Roche Kinselagh, Acting Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher~ W aggett ;. .AJ.den.. Travers, Butler,. Harding, and Mr. C. S. 18 June,.1784. Ordered, that a posting be put up on the Exchange, toot a C. D: H. will be held at the Guildhall on Thrirsday, 1 July, for electing a Coroner in the room of John Sullivan, gent., dec. ; It., £20· to James Magrath, for two years instruction of the Boys of the Blue Coat Hospital in singing. That Thomas Pope, gent., eldest son of Richard P., mercht. ; Lewillin · Nash, Esq., eldest son of Revd. Will. Nash, dec. ; William Allin, ship-car- penter, eldest son of Edward Allen, shipwright; Henry Wigmore, cooper, having served Arthur Achteson, be admitted freemen at large. . That Sami. Brookes, the Exchange keeper, be superannuated, salary 6
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