in the C. D. H. ; It., that Ald. Kent do buy 100 barrels of coal for the Cor- poration. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Shaw and Waggett; Alden. Swete, Wetherall,. Baker, Travers, Butler, Lawton, Owgan, Harding, Kent, and Mr. Allen,. c. s. 19 Dec., 1783. No members. attending but those ln the margin, no business could be· done.- Wm. Jones,. Clk:. of the Council. Present-Yr. Mayor,. the Sheriffs; Alden. Baker, Lawton, Owgan, and Kent. 23 .Dec., 1783. Ordered,. that a posting be put up on the Exchange, that a C~ D. H. will 'be held at the Guildhall on 5 Jan., to.elect an Ald. of the Ward in the :room of John Wrixon, Esq., dec. Present-Mr, Mayor, Sher. Waggett ; Alden. Wetherall, Butler, Lawton, Travers, W .. Travers; Mr. Browne, Izod, and Allen, C, S. 5 Ja'n., 1784. The members attending not being sufficient to make a Council, they thought it right it should be summoned for to-morrow, as the election for- a: Member of Parliament was to begin on Wednesday, and several Petitions for freedoms, from persons who have undoubted rights, have been presented, it is thought they should be disposed of before the election commenced.- wm. Jones, Clk. of the Council Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Shaw and Waggett; Alden. Travers, Butler-,. Lawton, Owg~,. Harding, Kent ; Mr. Browne, Izod,. and Allen,. C. S. & Ja-n., 1784. That John Fuller, grocer, having served Richard and Thomas Fuller; Abraham Carthrow, clothier~ having served Richard Lane, do.; Jonathan Bruce, Clk., eldest son of George B., Esq., dec.; Edward Cotter, mercht., having. served John Cotter, do.; James Cotter, mercht., having served Greatrakes Smyth and John Cotter; Edward Leslie, Esq., eldest son or James, late Lo. Bishop of Limerick, dtiJ.; Walter Williams, gent., eldest son of Thomas W., do.; Richard Woodward, shoemaker, eldest son of Richard W., chandler; 124-2
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