Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Thompson and Lindsay; Alden. Bury, Wethe- rall, Wrixon, Maylor, Travers, Lawton, Harding; Mr. Izod, and Shaw. 25 June, 1783. Ordered, that £3 6s. 11d. be paid Mr. Andrew Peace, apothecal)\· for V medicines supplied S. Stephen's Hospital, and £6 for one year"s attendance \ at said Hospital. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Thon1pson and Lindsay; Alden. Wetherall, Wrixon, Maylor, Baker, Webb, Travers, Lawton; Mr. Harding, Shaw, C. S., and Izod. 9 July, 1783. No members attending, except those in the margin, the mayor was obliged to break up.-Wm. Jones, Clk. of the Council. Preseut-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lindsay; Alden. Bury, Wrixon, Maylor, Law- ton, Travers, Harding, and Mr. lzod. 11 July, 1783. Ordered, that 30 gui:p.eas be paid Mr. Mayor for providing an entertain- ment at Blackrock on 1 Aug.; It., that Sober ~e11-t, E~q.,_ ¥ayor, be joined to Ald. Harding, Burgess Browne and RowlaJni;-a.s-o.O:e of the Committee to repair Skiddy's and Bretridge's Alms houses. That Palliser Wheeler, Esq., eldest son of Oliver W., dec.; Robert Browne, mercht., eldest son of Thos. B., Jun., do.; Thomas Malowny,_wool- comber, having served Mr. Humphry Crowly; Abraham Wood, mercht., eldest son of Michl. Wood, clothier; John Morgan of Dunmanway, eldest ~on of Jonathan ~{., mercht., dec.; Jasper Lucas, mercht., eldest son of Jasper L., Esq.; George Daunt, cooper, having served John Baker and John Cole; '\Villiam Sadlier, mercht., having served Henry Harding, Esq.; George Knox, laceman, eldest son of Thomas K., silversmith, dec.; Corn•. Town- send, Esq., eldest son of Horatio T., Esq., dec. ; William Edmonds, cooper, having served Paul Baker; Saml. Austen, Jun., mercht., having served his father, Sam I. A. Russell Wood, gent., eldest son of Attwell W., Esq., one of H. M. Sergeants-at-Law ; Henry Joseph Heard, gent., eldest son of Henry H., mercht.; Robert Sealy, Esq., eldest son of George S., Esq.; Thomas Kennedy, cooper, eldest son of William .K., do., be admitted freemen.
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