Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



the tenants, &c., of several of the dwelling-houses, &c., in this· City and suburbs; It is ordered, that £61 16s. B!d. be added to the sum appointed for erecting, &c.,· the lamps of said City and suburbs from 1 Oct., 1782, to 1 Oct., 1783 ; It., 5 guineas to Counc. Lane, for his attendance on the Mayor, holding different courts, and for his advice to him during the illness of the Recorder. ~ Present-S_<:?~:_ ~:nt, Mayor; John Thompson and John Lindsay, Sheriffs; J os. Wet1ieran and John Shaw, C. S.

31 Jan., 1783. That Percy Rugge, eldest son of Henry R., merch t. ; Jackson Walsh Delacourt, eldest son of Robt. D., Esq.; Philip Tarrant, cooper, having served Thomas Harris, do.; John Marsh, Esq., to be presented in a silver box, in testimony of the high esteem this Board entertains .of his goOcl services as Commissary since his residence in Cork ; Revd. Henry Newman, son of Adam N., Esq., Senior Ald. of this City; Francis Heiy Hutcliinson, son of Rt. Ron. J. H. H.; Honl. Hugh Massey, eldest son of Lord Massey; Revd. Henry Cossart, eldest son of John C., dec. ; Revd. John Digby, eldest son of John D., mercht.; wm. Digby, mercht., having served John D., do.; Francis Austen, gent., eldest son of Sampson A.; Michael Foot, gent.,_ having served Christ. Knight, do. ; John Gibson, cooper, having served Gibbs Ross, do., be admitted freemen at large. . Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lindsay; Alden. Bury, Wrixon, Wetherall, Webb, Butler, Travers, Harding, W. Travers; Mr..Browne, Izod, and Shawe. 18 Feb., 1783. That Francis Creed, of Ballycrenan, co. Limerick, gent., eldest son of Francis C., dec. ; Ferdinand Spiller, mercht., having served Tho 5 • Burnett ; Lionel Becher, Esq., eldest son of Edward B., Esq.; John Barnes, eldest son of Thomas B., merch t., · dec. ; John Warner, glazier, having served Richd. Burt, do., dec., and Peter Warner; Richard Daunt, jun., gent., having served Wm. Heard, do., dec.; John Brookes, butcher, eldest son of Sam I. Brookes, Exchange keeper; Henry Knight, chandler, at the request of Mr. Mayor; Wm. Kennedy, cooper, at the request of Mr. Sheriff Thompson; Peter Eason, Jun., mercht., at the request of Sheriff Lindsay; George Sey- mour, pewterer;_James Goddart, Butler, eldest son of John B., Esq. ; Rt.



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