That the Rt. Hon. Gen. Burgoyne, Comr.-in-Chief of H. }1. Forces in this Kingdom, be presented with his freedom in a silver box. + That a lease of 31 years (in order to erect a market thereon) be taken by the Mayor, &c., from the Mayor and Constables of the Staples of the ground opposite the Corn Market, (formerly granted by the Corporation of this City to the Mayor and Constables of the Staple for ever, at a pepper- corn a year, in trust for the poor of Skiddy's Alms House), at the yearly . rent of 100 guineas, payable half-yearly; It., that £73 1s. 10ld. be paid to Messrs. Morrison, Fuller, and McCarthy, for timber; It., thllt £198 be paid to Sam 1• Hobbs, joiner, for work done ; It.,' £13 2s. 8d. be paid Messrs. Morri- son, Fuller, and McCarthy, for timber supplied for the use of S. Stephen's Hospital; It., £30 19s. to Messrs. Izod and Busteed, for candles.
Present - Mr. Mayor, Sher. Thompson and Lindsay; Alden. Philpot~ Bury, Wetherall, Wrixon, Maylor, Webb, Travers, Butler, Lawton, Owgan, Harding, Carleton ; Burgess Browne, Izod, Morrison, Harding, and Mr. c. s. 12 N oo., 1782. _Ordered, that the Mayor provide a new Cap of Maintenance and Gown for the Sword Bearer. That George Baker, mercht., having served Paul Baker and Wm. Ley- cester, do. ; Thomas Lindsay, Esq., son of Mr. Sheriff Lindsay; Robert Kent, mercht., having served Sober Kent, do.; Joseph Kent, eldest son of Mr. Mayor; Thomas Tuckey, gent., eldest son of Mr. Sterne Tuckey ; Henry Browne Hayes, gent., eldest son of Mr. Attwell H. ; Thomas O'Dris- coll, gent., having served Thomas Chatterton, Esq.; Daniel Connor, gent.,. eldest son of Roger C., Esq., be admitted freemen at large. . That a guinea and half be paid to Norris Ballard, for her trouble at the ~ayor's Office; It., that £5 be paid Mr. James Magrath, half-year's salary for instructing the boys of S. Stephen's Hospital to sing. Present-- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Thompson and Lindsay; Alden. Philpott, Bury, Wrixon, Webb, Travers, Lawton, Harding, W. Travers; Burgess Browne. and Izod. 15 N oo., 1782. That Mark Milbank, Esq., Vice Admiral of the illue, now ~ the Harbour 123
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