Harding, Carleton; Burgess Browne, Izod, Morrison, Rowland, and Mr. Robinson, C. S. 19 JUly, 1782. That Thomas Roe, gent., eldest son of Francis Richard Roe, mercht.; Thomas Austen, Esq., elrlest son of William A., of Waterfall, Esq.; Lieut. Edward Butler, H. M. 11 Reg. of Foot, eldest son of Ald. William B.; Thomas Richard Fuller, gent., eldest son of Richard F., mercht., dec.; Richard Tonson Rye, of Ryecourt, Esq., eldest son of John Rye, of Darling Hall, Esq. ; Paul Maylor, mercht., eldest son of Saml. M. ; Godfrey Evans Baker, Esq., eldest son of Godfrey B., Esq. ; Joshua Coe, butcher, eldest son of Joshua C., do.; William Abbott, mercht., having served Francis ·Harvey, do. ; Thomas Smith, mercht., having served Paul and James Benson, do. ; Henry Warner, plumber, having served Peter Warner, do.; Dennis Quigly, . woolcomber, having served Messrs. Humphry Crowly and Henry Sadlier, clothiers; Samuel Nash, woolcomber, having served Messrs. Richard Pope and Henry Sadlier, clothiers·; William Anne Rumley, woollen draper, having served Sampson Austen, do., be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that 30 guineas be paid Mr. Mayor, for an entertainment at ~ ,Blackrock Castle. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher..Hutchinson and Dumas; Alden. Philpott, Wetherall, Wrixon, Baker, Maylor, Travers, Webb, Butler, Owgan, Harding; Burgess Izod, and Morrison. 25 July, 1782. Ordered, that the Gateage and other Tolls be set by public cant (terms, &c., as before); It., that a posting be put on the Exchange, for electing a W aterbailiff for one year, salary .£60 (conditions, &c., as before) ; It., that .£21 Bs. 4d. be paid Sampson Austen, for clothes for the Exchange Porter and City Bellmen; It., that £6 be paid Mr. Andrew Peace, Apothecary, for one year's attendance on the Boys of S. Stephen's Hospital; also .£2 7s. 11d. ·for medicines for said Boys; It., £3 Os. Bid. to Saml. Brooks, Exchange Porter, for several necessaries. It having been heretofore the practice (tho' at times omitted), Resolved, that ~very person in future applying for his freedom in rigltt of _se.!!!~~~e.. .. .. \ shall (if any doubts anse 1n the minds of any of the Council) personally
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