Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


GRANT FROM THE H. 0. "FOR IMP~OVING 1HE IIAnBOUR. . attendance to the Memorials of this Board to · the· House of Commons . , relative to the further improvement of our Harb~ur and to obtain a repeal of the law preventing arrests under £5, ordered, that~ the Clerk of the Council do, in the name of the Mayor, &c., return their thanks to our Members for their attention to said Memorial; It~, that £103 lOs. 6!d. be paid the representative. of Richard Burt., glazier, for. work done ; It., £34 12s. 8d. to Sampson A:usten, Woollen draper, for -clothing ·for the Boys of S. Stephen's Hospital ; It., £24 8s. 4d. to said Austen for clothing supplied for the Blue Coats and Exchange Porter; It., £3 17s. 2d. to Ald. Harding, so much paid by him in his Mayoralty for candles to illuminate the Mayoralty House, and one year's pipe water for do. ; It., £5 to James Magrath, half-year's salary for instructing the Boys of S. Stephen's Hos- pital to sing. It., that Mr. John Peddar and Mr. Charles Ferguson be appointed Scavengers for sweeping, &c., the several streets, &c., on Morrison's Island ; ~ It., that Wm. Harris, of Ballinaspig, Farmer, of the Parish of S. Finbarry, ~ be appointed a valuator of h""ouses, &'C., in the room of Thomas Gregg, gent., excused, &c. That Thomas Kift, Jun., mercht., eldest son of Thomas K., do., be ad- mitted a freeman. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Hutchinson and Dumas; Alden. Philpott, Wetherall, Maylor, Travers, Butler, Lawton, Owgan, Harding; Burgess Harding, Mr. Izod, and Rowland. 13 Nov., 1781. That Thomas Fitz-Gerald, Esq., Councr. at Law, be admitted a freeman. Ordered, that Mr. Snowe do return the thanks of this Board to our Members, for the' gt1Wt of £2000 from the House of Commons, for the further improvement of the Harbour of Corke, and that Mr. Snowe do write to our Members, that the Court of Record of said City should be exempted out of Mr. Chapman's Act, as well as the Courts of Conscience, and also to have the following clauses obtained in any Law that shall pass this Session of Parliament for continuing and amending the temporary statutes, to wit : A that the Church Wardens of the several parishes shall receive the several Foundling Children exposed in their parishes, under a penalty to be recovered by Civil Bill ; That a power be vested in 122

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