cused from serving on account of his infirmities ; It., Davies Tuckey, do., for the Pari£h of S. Finbarry, in the room of Anthony Hawksworth, I'e- moved out of said Parish ; It., Sam 1• Williams, do., for the Parish of S. Paul, in the room ·of James Bonwell, rP-moved out of said parish ; It., Barth. Donoghue, do., for the parish of S. Paul, in the room of David Connell removed out of said parisb. It., 10 guineas to Mr. Sob~~nt, for his trouble in selecting places in this City and Suburbs where the lamps are to be erected. That William Lane, clothier, having served his father, Abraham L., do.; George Wood, tanner, eldest son of John W., do. ; John PalJiser, Esq., eldest son of Wray P., Esq., be admitted freemen at large. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Kingston and Allen; ·Alden. Bury, Wetherall, Wrixon, Maylor, Travers, Owgan, Lawton; Mr. Browne, Travers and Rowland. 26 Oct., 1781. Walter Travers, Esq., Mayor. This day Robt. Hutchinson and Peter Dumas, Esqrs., were sworn Common Council men as Sheriffs. That Francis Jones, youngest son of John Jones, mercht., be admitted a freeman. Ordered, that the small house under part of the Exchange, now occupied by Michl. Mathews, bookseller, the Watch house on the South Bridge, and the small apartment under the Corn Market steps, be set by public cant for seven years from 1 Dec. next ; It., that the several fine~ imposed at the Assizes and Sessions held for the County of this City for some time past, and said fines for three years to come, be granted by the Mayor, &c., to the Governors of the Work House of this City for the use of said Workhouse ·; It., that two counters be put in the Fowl Market by Saml. Hobbs, carpenter, according to estimate, and that he be paid for doing thereof £15 9s: 6d. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Hutchinson and Dumas·; Ald. en. Philpott, B·ury, Wetherall, Maylor, Travers, Butler, Lawton, Owgan, Harding ; Mr~ Row land and Izod. 6 Nov., 1781. The Mayor having received letters from our Members mentionin(J' their ' b .
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