Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



do. ; Christ. Johnson, mercht., having served Peter Johnson, do. ; James White, cooper, having served Roger Langley, do.; Thomas Archer, cooper, having served Isaac Jones, do.; Wm. Collow, mercht., being a Protestant stranger, having come into this City to reside and carry on business therein, (on the statute); wm. Grinly, mercht., a Protestant stranger, &c.; John Anderson, mercht., being a Protestant stranger, &c.; John Rowand, mercht., being a Protestant stranger, &c., be admitted freemen at large. It., £3 5s. 6d. to Mr. Kinselagh, expenses of taking the opinion of Wm. Jenkins, Esq., Dep. Recorder of this City, relative to the weighing of potatoes in this City. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Kingston and·Allen; Alden. Swete, Bury, Wetherall, Wrixon, Maylor, Baker, Webb, Travers, Butler, Owgan, Lawton, Harding; Mr. Izod, Burgess Harding, Rowland, and Dumas, C. S. 21 June, 1781. That Abraham Abbott, gent., having served Wm. Snowe, Town Clerk; John Splaine, mercht., having served Thos. Fuller, one of the Burgesses of this City; Edward Davies, manufacturer of Lampblack, being a Protestant stranger, ~orne to reside in this City; Wm. Whelling, Woollen draper, having served Sampson Austen, do., be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that £36 8s. 7d. be paid Wm. Snowe, Town Clerk, in full for his bill of costs; It., £4 11s. to Henry Wrixon, Esq., the estimate for repairing X and painting the late King's Statue on the Mall, new guilding the Inscrip- tion, and painting the pallasadoes round the statue. That Mr. Cooper Penrose, as Mr. Mayor's free1nan ; Wm. Mannix, chand- ler, at the request of Mr. ·sher. Kingston; Abraham Allen, gent., at the request of Mr. Sher. Allen, be admitted freemen at large. It., that Ald. Harding, Mr. Burgess Browne, and Rowland, be a committee to repair Skiddy's and Bretridge's Afms Houses, the money to be paid by the Chamberlain out of the money belonging to said Al:rp.s houses, now on hand. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Kingston and Allen; Alden. Swete, Bury, Wetherall, Wrixon, Maylor, Webb, Travers, Butler, Lawton, Owgan, Hard- mg; Ml'. Izod and Rowland.

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