Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



It., £2 2s. to George Uppington, for a rope by him bought for the Exchange clock; It., that £126 Os. 9d. be paid Mr. Izod, director of the Public Coal Yards, so much paid by him on the purchase of 17~7 Barrels of Coals, over and above the price allowed him to purchase at by Act of Parliament, Mr. Izod to account for said money after the sales. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Kingston; Alden. Wrixon, Webb, Travers, Butler, Lawton, Owgan, Harding; Mr. Browne and Izod. 19 1'Jarch, 1781. Whereas it is necessary to paint the Council Chamber, cleanse the· pic.:.. tures, guild the frames of the pictures, the frame of the looking-glass, and the balls of the clock, to whitewash the ceiling, and get the chimney cured from smokeing, proposals to be given in to Mr. Mayor. Ordered, that £2 19s. Old. be paid Ald. Harding, so much expended by him in repairing and new painting the Blackrock Flag; It., £5 14s. lOd. to Mr. Maturin, for newspapers supplied; It., £29 Os. 7 d. to Thomas Haines, .tyler, work done at S. Stephen's Hospital; It., £5 11s. 6d. to Mrs. Mary Edwards, for two sets of the Acts of last Session bound, one for the Corpo- ration, the other for the Mayor's Office ; It., 3 guineas to Norris Ballarg,- for half-year's attendance at the Mayor's Office in the Exchange, and also 3s. 3d. by him expended for a chamber pot, porterage of coals, and kindling. Whereas Andrew l{.enny took the tolls of the Fish Market for one year from 29 Sep. last, at a rent of £98, and made a deposit of £24 lOs., but hath not since paid any part_of said rent, and hath refused to execute bonds for said rent, according to his original agreement, ordered, that the tolls of said Fish Market be set by public cant for the remainder of the year agreeable to the terms for setting tolls, &c. . Present-- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Kingston and Allen ; Alden. Swete, W ethe:-- rall, Maylor, Baker, Webb, Travers, Butler, Lawton, Owgan ; Mr. Browne, and Rowland. 30 March, 1781. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Kingston; Alden. Wetherall, Wrixon, Webb, Lawton and Mr. Izod.

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