Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



City, and that 4 guineas be paid to Mr. Snowe, who is to give two guineas to each of said gentlemen for their opinion. · Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Kingston and Allen; Alden. Bury, Wrixon, .Maylor, Baker, Webb, Butler, Owgan, Harding, and Mr. Dumas, C. S.

19 Oct., 17BO. No business thi~ day.-Wm. Snowe, Clk. of the Council.

Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Kingston and Allen; Alden. Bury, WetheraU, Wrixon, Maylor, Baker, Lawton, Owgan; Mr. Izod, Harding, and Dumas, c. s. 5 Dec., 17BO. Ordered, that .£13 3s. 6d. be paid Mr. Mayor for altering ~he Mayor's Office at the Mayoralty House into a family parlour, pursuant to an esti- ~ mate; It., that Mr. Kent buy 100 Barrels of Coals; It., that .£11 7s. be paid \1.. .Mr. Izod, director of the Public Coal Yards, so much paid by him on the purchase of 2416 barrels of coals bought by him in the month of April, 1779, over and above the price allowed him to purchase it by Act of Par- liament; It., .£42 138. Bid, to said Izod, so much paid by him on the pur- .chase of 1171 Barrels and a half of coals, over and above the price allowed him to purchase at by Act of Parliament, to accouift for said money after the sales of the Coals; It., .£10 to James Magrath, one year's Salary for instructing the Boys of S. Stephen's Hospital to sing. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. .Allen; Alden. Wetherall, Wrixon, Baker, Webb, Travers, Butler, Lawton, Harding; Mr. Browne, Izod, and Dumas, c. s. 26 Jan., 17Bl. . .That the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Carlisle, Lo.-Lieut. of Ireland, be presented ~ with his freedom in a Gold box; and the Rt. Hon. Wm. Eden, Esq., Princi- .. '/ · ·pal Sec. to his Excellency~ Silver box. · ~ Ordered, that .£33 ls. Bid. be paid Messrs. Morrison, Fuller, and MCCar:.. thy, Timber Merchants, for timber supplied for S. Stephen's Hospital, to be ·accounted for on the loan ; It., .£42 lOs. 7jd. to said timber merchants, in full for their account; It., .£56 48. 7 d. to Ald. Lawton, Master of S. Stephen's ._HospiW, for several articles boug~t by him for the use of said Hospital, from 1 Feb., 17BO to 29 Dec. last, to be accounted for on the loan, ~c. ; 121

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