lowing letters, to wit : A letter from the Revd. Stephen Baggs, Curate of the parish of S. Paul, mentioning that he had called a Vestry, and that the parishioners prefer the undertaking to light their own lamps than to accede to said proposal ; A letter from Rev. Doctor Lamelliere, Minister of the Parish of S. Nicholas, stating that the Parishioners had agreed with a con:- tractor to light the lamps in the said Parish; A letter from Revd. Mr. Orpen, curate of the parish of S. Peter, stating that the parishioners did not approve of said proposal; A letter from the curate of Christ Church, mentioning that the Vestry were willing to come into said proposal. This Board, or the gentle- man who made said proposal, will not engage in lighting said lamps unless he has the contract for lighting all the Parishes of this City, and do hereby agree to appoint any contractor the separate parishes of this City they shall agree with to light the Lamps in their respective parishes. Ordered, that £29 18s. 4d. be paid Richd. Burt, plumber, for work done; It., £16 1s. 7d. to said Burt, for work done at S. Stephen's Hospital, to be accounted for on the loan. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Pick; Alden. Bury, Wetherall, Wrixon, May- lor, Baker, Webb, Travers, Lawton, Owgan; Mr. Browne, Izod, Morrison, and Dumas, C. S. • 30 Sep., 1780. This day Messrs. Wrixon, Browne, Hare, Willcocks, and Moore, a com- mittee appointed to examine the Waterbailiff's accounts, report that the Waterbailiff paid the Chamberlain all money by him received (over his own salary, the Dep. W aterbailiff's, &c., to 29 June last. Ordered, that £7 lOs. be paid Thomas Cockran, cabinet-maker, for 25 oak chairs ; It., £57 ls. 3!d. to Messrs. Bagnell and Co., printers, in full for their account. · Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Pick; Alden. Swete, Bury, Wrixon, Baker, Webb, Travers, Lawton; Mr. Browne, Izod, Travers, Willcocks, and Dumas, c. s. 11 Oct., 1780. c Francis Carleton, Esq., Mayor. This day Mr. Mayor and the Sheriffs were sworn of the Common Council. Ordered, that the opinion of Mr. Dep. Recorder and Councillor Bennett be taken in_ the case relative to the erecting and lighting Lamps in this
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