Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

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31-Jan., 1780. No business for want of a; sufficient number.-Will. Snowe, Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher.·Busteed and Pick; Alden. Webb, Rowland, Travers, Owgan; Mr. Izod, Rowland, and Willcocks. 18 Feb., 1780. A draft of a Petition in the names of the Mayor, &c., Merchants and Traders of the City of Corke to the House of Commons for erecting Light Houses at the harbour of Corke, and also a draft of a Memorial l.n the names of the Mayor, &c., Merchants, and Traders to the Lord Lieut. and P. C. for making the out quays, being read, the same was approved of. Prese~t-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Busteed an~ Pick; .Alden. Bury, Maylor, Baker, Webb, Travers, Butler, Lawton, Owgan; Mr. Browne, Rowland, and Willcocks. · 21 Feb., 1780. That the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Chatham ~ presented· with his freedom in \. ~ a Silver Box. ~ Also Joseph .Austen, gent., eldest son of Saml. .A., mercht.; George Johnson, Cooper, having served Arthur Achteson, do. ; Harmer Bond, gent. having served wm. Heard, do., be ~mitted freemen at large. Ordered, that 4 guineas be paid Eliz. Ogilby for one year's attendance and making fires in the Mayor's office; It., £15 18. 5!d. be paid the widow of Ald. Franklin, late master of S. Stephen's Hospital,·. balan~e due to her, .t o be accounted for on the loan. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Busteed and Pick ; .Alden. Swete, Bury, Wetherall, Webb, Travers, Butler, Lawton, Owgan ; llr. Browne, Willcocks, and Izod. 3 MaTch, 1780. Ordered, that the Mayor, &c., .Ald. Wetherall, Webb, Travers, Mr. Izod, Monison, and Willcocks, with those of the C. D. H., be a committee to stake the Corporation Slab at the south side of the Navigation Wall in the river Lee, and to have a map of the same drawn and marked out into convenient 120

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