Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lawton and Purcell; Alden. Wrixon; Mr. Browne. 9 June, 1779. Ordered, that the statue of IIugh Trayer Lawton, Esq., late J\1:ayor of this ~ City, be erected in a ni~hin' the Exchange opposite to the North Entrance. The expenses to be paid by the Committee of the citizens who have under- taken the erecting this statue; It., that 25 musquets, 25 Bayonets, and 25 Cartouch boxes be lent out of the City Armoury to Adam Newman, Esq., who is forming a Military Society at Newberry, Co. Cork, called the "Loyal ~ / Newberr;y Society _gf_Musqueteers," said Newman passing his bond for £50 X. to the'Mayor~for the return of said arms in good order; It., that a Bond passed to the Minister and C. W. of the Parish of Christ Church for £100 with interest be paid ·off, a receipt being given on the back of the bond; It., that the thanks of this Board be given to the several armed sqcieties of this City for their spirited conduct last Friday, having continued all day '/.under arms, on a report being spread that a body of French Forces landed ,. in Bantry Bay-by such conduct the peace of this City was preserved during the absence of H. M. forces; It., that £42 178. 9d. ·be paid Timothy Hughes, ironmonger, for work done; It., £27 16s. 9d. to Thomas Hawes, Tyler and Slater, for work done; It., £26 148. 2~d. to Richard Burt, glasier, for work X done; It., £10 158. 9d. to wm. Reynolds, silversmith, work done; It., £16 08. 7d. to Mr. Sampson Austen, Woollen draper, for clothes for the Blue Coats and Exchange Porter ; It., £30 18. 8d. to said Austen for clothes for the Blue Boys bound out of S. Stephen's Hospital from 3 April, 1778, to 25 :Feb., 1779, to be charged on the loan, &c. ; It., £27 158. 9d. to the Committee for building the Guard House in Tuckey Street, the same to be expended on some additional works for said Guard House ; It., that £2 5s. 6d. be paid Eliz. Oglesby, half year's attendance on the Mayor's Office in the Exchange; It., £1 198. 6 ~d. to Mrs. Mary Edwards, stationer; ,,..,It., £5 to James Magrath, half year's salary for instructing the Blue Boys 'I . L h /- to Sing; t., t at the outside of the Cupola, frames, sashes, &c., of the A-fayoralty be painted, and that Mr. Mayor and Ald. Owgan oversee same. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lawton and Purcell; Alden. Newman, Millerd, .Bury, Wrixon, Maylor, Webb, Travers, Butler, Owgan; Mr. Browne, Izod, and Pick, C. S.
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