Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


amounting to .£43 8s. 3d., and that 50 posts for as many lamps be provided by Messrs. Gibbs Ross and Hamilton Crawford, for which they be paid .£10 148. 6d.; and we fix that said 220 lamps shall be lighted in said parish with single burners with good oil and Turkey cotton wick yarn of 8 threads, (hours of lighting as before) ; and we appoint Richard Fuller, grocer, Henry Holmes, do., and John Greatrakes, pewterer, lamp contractors for lighting, &c., said lamps, at the· rate of 15s. 2d. for each lamp, amounting in the whole to .£166 16s. 8d.; and . we appoint the Rev 4 • Richd. Pigott, D.D., Revd. Henry Sandiford, Revd. George Mansell, Mr. Henry Sadlier, Mr. Peter Egan, Mr. Patt. Commerford, Mr. James Mahon, Mr. James French, Thomas Chatterton, Esq., Mr. Vezian Pick, Mr. James Gregg, Mr. Gibbs Ross, Mr. John Bass, jun., Mr. Michrel Busteed, Mr. James Sadlier, Mr. Chas. McCarthy, John Herbert Orpin, Esq., Mr. John Howell, Mr. John Wigmore, and Mr. Philip Stubbman, a committee to regulate the lighting, &c., of said lamps.; -said Contractors at the expiration of their contract to deliver up said lamps and irons in thorough repair. ....._,/ Ordered, that 40 musquets, 40 bayonets, and 40 Cartouch Boxes, be lent .. r out of the City Armoury, to the gentlemen forming a Military S~ciety at " Curryglas," in the co. Cork, on a bond passed by Peard Harrison Peard, Esq., and another sufficient security, to the Mayor, &c., for .£100, to return said anns in same good order ; It., that 30 musquets, 30 bayonets, 30 Car- touch Boxes be lent out of the City Armoury to the gentlemen forming a ~ mili&~C.!~~~--~astlelyons, co. Cork, on a bond passed by Henry Peard )I and John Mason, of Castlelyon~, Esq., to tlre Mayor, &c., for .£100 to return said arms in same good order. . . . . ~ . Present-- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Purcell; Alden. ·Maylor, Baker, Rowland, Owgan, and Pick, C. S. 20 Nov., 1778. This day Ald. Bury, and Wrixon, and Mr. Browne, appointed to examine the accounts of Bretridge's and Skiddy's Alms Houses, reported that a balance'of .£119 48. 10d. remains in the hands of the receiver for said Hos- pitals, which he is ordered to pay over to the Chamberlain; It., that the thanks of the Mayor, &c., be oiven to the several armed Societies of this ~ City, for their attention in as:;mbling during the absence of H. M. troops } · .from this City at encampment, and doing everything necessary to preserve

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