woollen-draper, James Smith, grocer, John Shea, mercht., Richard Moore, grocer, John Moylan, jun., of Kyrles Quay, mercht., of Par. of S. Mary Shandon ; Richard Exham, timber mercht., John Forster, mercht., John Guinan, tanner, Edward Hatton, clothier, Robert Stokes, mercht., ··of the Par. of St. Anne; George Reed, of Ballintemple, gent.; James Doyle, of Lehenagh, farmer; Richd. Sheppard, of Duffclowan, gent., Anthony Hawks- worth, of S. Finbarry, house carpenter, and John Wynne, Tanner, of the Par. of S. Finbarry; Thomas Hayes, jun., mercht., Thomas Allen, gent., Joshua Connor, clothier, Andrew Drinane, grocer, Saml. Hobbs, house car- penter, of the Par. of S. Nicholas; James Bonwell, mercht., David Connell, do., Arthur Connell, do., James Willis, do., and William Kearns, house car- penter, of the Par. of S. Paul, Valuators under the Act for the regulation of this City of Cork, &c., and the better regulating the Police, &c. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding and Lane ; Alden. Westropp, Mil- lerd, Bury, Wetherall, Wrixon, Maylor, Webb, Roe, Rowland, Travers, Butler, Lawton; Mr. Browne, Denroch, Izod, and Morrison, and Pick, C. S. 25 Aug. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council. .. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lane ; .Alden. Westropp, Webb ; Mr. Browne, and Morrison. 27 Aug., 1778. Ordered, that the Gateage and other tolls of the City be set, &c. (terms as before). It., that a posting be put up in the Exchange for electing a Water-bailiff for one year, and that his salary be £60 with the usual duties, &c. It., that the Revd. Dr. Robt. Austin, Mr. Thos. Fuller, Burgess, Mr. Jasper Lucas, do., Mr. Attiwell Hayes, brewer, Mr. Wm. Clarke, mercht., Mr. William Willcocks, burgess, Mr. Peter Cossart, do., be appointed .trus- tees for carrying into execution the Act for supplying this City with water, in the room of Adam Newman, Esq., Randall Westropp, Esq., Francis Car- leton, Sen., Esq., Hugh Lawton, Sen., Esq., Mr. John Latham, mercht., Mr. James Morrison, burgess, and Wm. Snowe, Esq. It., that Mr. Kent, City Overse~r, buy 100 barrels of coal; It., that £34 2s. 2d. be paid Phineas Bagnell, Printer, f-or work done; It., that Alden. Bury, Wrixon, Maylor;
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