Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding and Lane; Alden. Bury, Wetherall, Baker, Webb; Mr. Browne, and Pick, C. S. 8 .Aug., 1778. Orde:r;ed, that the following advertisement be inserted in the public papers, and that a copy be sent to each of the Ministers and Church Wardens of this City, viz., " The Mayor, &c., recommend to the Ministers, and C. W., and Parishioners of each of the Parishes to meet in Vestry and determine on the manner of erecting and maintaining Public Lights in each Parish ; and agree with persons to maintain same, either for one, two, or three years, agreeable to Act of Parliament, and the Mayor, &c., give notice that they will appoint such persons to be Lamp Contractors in each of said Parishes, &c. ; It., that 80 musquets, 80 Bayonets, 80 Cartouch boxes, be _ Ae~t out of the Cit~ Armoury to Capt. Da~ple, C~mmanda~t of the loyal '<"' Ir~h Corp~ to tra1n a number of recrmts belongrng to said Corps now quartered in said City, a Bond being given by Capt•. Dalrymple and Hart to the Mayor, &c., for £200 to return said arms in good ·order ; It., £10 148. 5!d. to Mr. Mayor, rates for the Mayoralty House; It., £2 1s. 3!d. to Saml. ~rookes, Exchange Porter, for brooms, sand, &c. ; It., that the Cupola Clock of the Exchange be put in order by Saml. Upington, clock maker, and that he be paid £6 16s. 6d. for said work pursuant to estimate; It., that Mr. Snowe cause extracts of the last Act of Parliament to be pub- lished in the News papers of this City, also in separate papers, and posted up.that the inhabitants may be informed of the penal parts of said act ; It., £1 12s. 6d. to John Sullivan, gent., one of the Coroners, his expenses, &c., in going to Cove by direction of the Mayor, to hold an inquest there on a man that was killed. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding and Lane; Alden. Wetherall, Baker, Webb ; Mr. Browne, and Pick, C. S. 19 .Aug., 1778. We do appoint Francis Harvey, mercht., John Church, do., Thomas K.ift, Linen-draper, George Seymour, pewterer, · Charles MeGarthy, House Car- penter, of the Par. of Holy Trinity; Reuben Harvey, mercht., John Hinchliff, shopkeeper, John Donoghue, Woollen-draper, John Newsom, tJto., Robert Foresayth, gent., of the Par. of S. Peter; Joseph ·Harman,
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