Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


of S. Peter be paid the interest due on the Corporation Bonds, until said bonds be delivered up to have new ones executed. It., That Al<l. Travers, Mr. Burgess John Harding, and Mr. Burgess Franklin be appointed scavengers for sweeping the ~fain Street from gate to gate. (Note on Margin.)

Reed. £rom the Mayor, &c., the Charter of King before the Court of Excheq., pursuant to ordP.r of sd.

Charles I., to be laid Court.-Wm. Snowe.

Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding and Lane; Alden. Westropp, Bury, Butler, Baker, Travers ; Mr. Browne, Izod, Morrison, and Busteed, C. S.

19 Jan., 1778. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lane; Alden.. Westropp, Millard, Bury, Baker, Butler, and Mr. Busteed, C. S. 21 Jan., 1778~ Ordered, that Mr. Kent buy 100 Barrels of Coal; It., that .£3 2s.1!d. be paid Thomas Cochran, cabinet-maker, for two mahogany tables for the Mayoralty House. Whereas the Mayor, &c., have been served with an order from the Court of Exchequer, to send up to that Court the Charter ?f this City, and whereas a customary fee is due to the Lord Chief Baron for the allow- ance of a Charter, either of a suit of Black Velvet, or 20 guineas in lieu thereof, ordered,·that 20 guineas be paid. Whereas the fines imposed in the several Courts of .Assizes, Sessions, and Records held for this City, are by Charter granted to the Mayor, &c., which grant has been allowed by H. M. Court of Exchequer; and, whereas it is appt:ehended that all recognizances forfeited at.the ..Assizes held for the co. of said City are also granted by said Charter to said Mayor, &c., which grant hath not yet been allowed by the said Court of Exchequer; ,It., that Mr. W rixon, the Corporation .Attorney, do employ the Re~order, Counc. Bennett and Hartnett to move said Court of Exchequer for the allowance of forfeited recognizances, and that Mr. Wrixon give s.uch fee as he shall see reasonable to the .Attorney-General for his consent to such-allowance ;

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