Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Constables, costs of their staves; It., .£1 11s. 5d. to Gibbs Ross, expen&es paid a prosecutor confined in Bridewell, evidence for a robbery, and expenses paid a corporal and eight men for their assistance in apprehending a man chargecl with murder. That John Tatton, gent., having served Christ. Knight, gent., be admitted free. l'resent-1\Ir. 1\Iayor, Sher. Harding and Lane ; Alden. Bury, \Votherall, J.Iaylor, Baker, Uowlaud, Tr-avers, llutler, Lawton, Webb, Uoe; l\Ir. llrowue, and Izod. 21 Nov., 1777. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council. Present--1\:Ir. l\Iayor: Sher. Lane ; Alden. Westropp, Wethemll, Maylor, Daker, Webb ; Mr. Izoc.l, and Morrison. 25 Nov., 1777. This day Ald. Philpott, llowland, and Mr. Browne, being a committee to state the accounts of Skiddy's and Bl'etridge's Alms Houses, report that they examined said accounts, and that a ballance of .£245 6s. 6~d. is due from }i'rancis Carleton, Jun., Esq., receiver of the funds of said houses; ordered, that said Carleton pay over said amount to the Chamberlain. This day the heads of a llill, to be applied for this session, for amending several laws made for this City were read and approved by the Council That William Colburn, gent., having served wm. Heard, gent.; Thomas Barter., jun., gent., eldest son of Thomas B., mercht.; John Morgan, gent., eldest son of J onathau 1\I., dec. ; Thomas Millerd, jun., cordwainer, eldest son of Tho'. l\I., do. ; Peter 'Vilis, jeweller, eldest son of Luke W., cooper ; George Scott, mercht.,, having served Messrs. Bousfield and Owgan, be aclmitted freemen. Present--Mr. llayor, Sher. Lane; Alden. Bury, Wetherall, Maylor, Row- land, Webb, Swete, Lawton, Eaker; Mr. Browne, lzod, Busteed, C. S., and Morrison. 5 Jan., 1778. No business for want of a sufficient number.- wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council

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