Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Philpott, Bury, Wetherall, 1\laylor, Webb, Travers, Butler; 1\Ir. Browne, and Izod. 24 Oct., 1777. No business for want of a sufficient number.-W. Snowe, Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding; Alden. Westropp, Philpott, Wethe- rall, Butler ; Mr. Browne, and Izod. 25 Oct.-Ordered, that 1\fr. Sober Kent, City overseer, buy 100 barrels of coals. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harding; Alden. Bury; 1\Ir. Busteed, and Browne. 7 Nov., 1777. Whereas Nich. Fitton hath failed in the execution of the Covenant con- tained in the deeds entered into between him and the Mayor, &c., for supplying this City with water, ordered, that such suits as Council shall advise be commenced against him in the name of the Mayor, &c., for the breach thereof; It., that Ald.Rowland, Lawton, Mr. Browne, lzod, J. Harding, and Mr. John Lapp be a committee to prepare heads of such amendments as are necessary to be made in the several Acts of Parliament passed relative to this City, and heads of new clauses as may be found necessary for the service of this city, and that an application be made to Parliament to have same passed into law, and that every member of council that shall think proper to attend be of the said Committee ; It., that 40 guineas a year be X paiu Eumoud Roche Kinselagh, Esq., SwQrd Bearer. That George Johnson, mariner, only son of Christ. Johnson, butcher, dec. ; William Wigmore, gent., eldest son of Henry W., gent.; Revd. Daniel 'Viucnham, Ulk., eldest son of Revd. Tho. W., Clk. ; Richard Boyle Towns- hend, Esq., only son of Richd. T., Esq.; Charles Martin, gent., having·served Uichd. Martin, gent.; Isaac Morgan, Mercht., having served Jonathan ~forgan, do.; Wm. Walsh, clothier, having served Edwd. Scott, do., dec.; Jasper Rasleigh, mercht., having served Jonathan Morgan, do.; Jasper Herrick, mercht., having served Jasper Lucas, do., be admitted free. Ordered, that £5T lOs. llid. be paid Timothy Hughes, ironmonger; lt., 2 guineas to Joseph Bullen, half year's attendance on the Mayor's office in the Exchange; It., .£2 12s. to John J appie and Gibbs Ross, two High

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