of Robert L., Esq., dec., an ancient Freeman; John Adam ~falet, brewrr, a I>rotestant stranger, and who bath come to this City to reside with his family, paying 20s.; Digby O'Brien, mercht., being bound for seven years to Peter Can1bridge, n1ercht., dec., haviug paid hin1 a fee of £200, and having served said Cambridge till his death, but not fur tho timl.! he was bound for; Harme:r Spratt, merch\, having served 'vw. Coles; \Vm. Groves, cooper, having served John Cole, do.; I>hilip Allen, mercht., having served Christ. A~len, do., and brewer; 'Vm. }... itton, gent., having served James and Thomas ChattertQn, Esqs.; Thomas Spiers Gabbet; John Swayne of Youghal; Thomas Fuller, gent. ; ~fr. Thomas Boyce, clothier ; ~fr. wm. Corn1ack, mercht.; Robert Hurly, gent.; \Viii. Busteed, gent. ; Christ. Crofts, jnn.; "\Vm. Barton of Grove, Esq.; George Stannard, Esq.; Charles Leslie, Esq.; John Colthurst, gent. ; Henry Cole Bowen, Esq. ; Ottwell I>uxley, gent., be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that 3s. 6d. be paid Ald. Travers by the week, for supporting in Bridewell one \Vm.:Shayler, a necessary witness to prosecute at next assizes one Sullivan, indicted for felony; It., .£8-Gs. 9d. to Messrs. Pounden and Roberts in full for scales and weights.. Presentr-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Day and Leycester; Alden. Millerd, Wetherall, Maylor, Baker, Webb,_Roe, Uowland, Travers, Butler; Air. Browne, and Busteed, C.. S. 14 Oct., 1777. Thomas Owgan, Esq., Mayor. This day Mr. Mayor and also the Sheriffs were sworn of the Common Council Ordered, that £235 be paid Hugh Lawton, Esq., late Mayor, in addition to his salary, as a testimonial to his actwity and good services to the City during his Afayoralty; It., that a posting be put up in the Rxchange on 23 Oct., for the election of a Sword Bearer, the person electt!d to find security before the Mayor, &c., for the due discharge of said office by him- self or by a sufficient deputy; It., .£40 to John Jappie and Gibbs Ross, High Constables of this City, for their vigilance in bringing to justice dive~ house-breakers and disturbers of the public peace. Present-Yr. Mayor, Sher. Harding and Lane; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, 116-2 \ -"' ,.· \
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