Dermot; It., that £12 1s. to WUl . .1\laturin for newspapers supplied ; It., £1 0s. 7 ~t:l. to ~Jr. l\Iichl. l\Iahony for collecting Corporation rents. Present-·.\fr. .1\Iayor, Sher. Day; Alden. "\Vestropp, Philpott, "\Vrixon, ".,.eLL, Roe, l\Iaylor, Baker, Butler; l\fr. Deuroch, .1\Iorrison, and Busteed, us. 12 Sep., 1777. No meeting for want of a sufficient number. - Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, l\Ir. Recorder, Sher. Day; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, Webb, Maylor; Butler, Baker; Mr. Browne and Izod. 16 Sep., 1777. Ordered, that the Gatcage and other Tolls of this City be set by public cant (conditions as Lefore); It., that a posting be put upon the Exchange for a Water Bailiff for one year ; It., that his salary be £60 for one year (duties as before); It., 15 guineas to wm. Snowe, and he is directed to wait upon the Uecorder, Councs. Bennett, and Jenkins, and give each a fee of five guineas, to consider what amendments will be necessary for carrying into execution an act made 11 and 12 of His Maj. reign for the reglilation of the City, &c. ; It., that 5 guineas be paid Mr. W m. Snow for his trouble ; It., £36 6s. IOd. to Mr. Mayor, expenses of an entertainment provided at Black- ....--, rock Castle; It., £14 13s. lid. for two Flaggs for the use of the Corpora- tion; It., £4 14s. 11!d. to 1\Ir. Mayor for sundrys paid for the M~yoralty llouse; It., £1 2s. 9d. to Mr. Izod for pipe water for the Mayoralty House. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Day and Leycester ; Alden. Wetherall, Maylor, Webb, Rowland, Travers, Baker ; Mr. Harding, Busteed, C. S., and Mr. Browne and Izod. 19 Sep., 1777. That the Rt. Hon. Morrogh, Earl of Inchiquin, be presented.' with his Y freeuom in ·a Silver Box ; also Abraham, eldest son of Jonas Morris, Esq. ; Roger Adains, mercht., eldest son of Jonathan A., do. ; Francis Beare, glazier, eldest son of llenry B., cooper ; wm. Johnson, mercht., eldest son of Peter J·., do. ; J ohu Carleton, mercht., eldest son of George C., do.; Phineas Ryall, Esq., eluest son of \Vm. Ryall, Esq.; Caleb Falkiner, Esq., eldest son of Riggs F., Esq. ; Sam 1• Norris, gent., eldest son of Richd. N., mercht.; Robt. Longfield, Esq., eldest sou of John L., Esq., dec., who was eldest son
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