Ordered, that 10 guineas be paid Joseph Bullen, Esq., half-year's attend- ance on the Mayor's Office in the Exchange. Present--1\Ir. 1\Iayor, Sher. Day; Alden. Westropp, Swete, Bury, Maylor, Baker, Webb, Roe ; l\Ir. Browne, l\Iorrison, anU Mr. Tho. Harding, C. S. 13 June, 1777. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Day and Leycester; Alden. Webb, Burgess Browne and Morrison. - 20 June, 1777. That Sir John Irwin, Knt. Bart., and Comr.-in-Chief of the Forces in Ireland, be presented with his freedom in a Silver box ; also George, eldest sou of Wills Crofts; Robt. Sealy, mercht., eldest son of George Sealy, Esq.; Henry, eldest son of Henry Duqueray, Esq., be admitted free. Ordered, .£4 Os. 9id. to Wm. Stephens for painting and lettering con- stables' staves and plates for the Constables' Houses ; It., .£81 2s. 11 id. to Mr. Wm. Reynolds for Gold and Silversmith's work done by him; It., .£18 3s. lld. to Phineas Bagnell, printer, for work done; It., .£198 16s.11d. to Mr. Will. Fitton, atty., costs, &c., taxed against the Mayor, &c., in favour of Richd. Fitton, Esq., in the case of his freedom; It., .£12 lOs. Bid. to Edmond ~aherty, mason, for repairing the Quay at the Mayoralty House. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Day and Leycester; Aldeu. Millerd, Bury, Webb, Butler, Baker; :Mr. Browne, Morrison, and Harding, C. S. 11 Jvly, 1777. This day the Common Speaker was sworn in Council ; It., a plan and estimate for building the Guard Houses, &c., in Tuckey Street was laid before the CounciL Ordered, that .£20 be paid the Mayor for an entertainment on 1 Aug. ; It., .£5 3s. 3d. to Messrs. Sam!. Beale and Co. for milled lead; It., .£18 9s. to the Sheriffs, expenses they were put to in removing one Gormacan from the City Gaol on a Habeas Corpus, who was xescued by a mob at Castle 116 .
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