Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



he lent to Henry De la ~1ain and Watkins William Verling, gent., passing their bond to the Mayor for payment thereof with legal interest; It., 3s. Gd. a week to Ald. Travers, to maintain in Bridewell one Wm. Shayler, who is there confined as a necessary witness to prosecute one Sullivan, charged with robbing one James Harvey of a very considerable sum of money in the Harbour of this City; It., that Ald. Bury, Webb, Butler, Mr. Burgess 1.1orrison and Henry Wrixon, Esq., be a committee to get a plan drawn of the Guard Houses and offices necessary to be built on the ground taken { from Mr. Tuckey, also an estimate.of the expense of building same. We appoint David Connell, mercht., of the Parish of S. Paul's, a valuator in the room of Peter Mathis, late of said Parish, chandler, dec., for the purposes of the Act for the regulation of the City; Arthur Connell, mercht., of the parish of S. Paul, in the room of Sober Kent, late of said parish, mercht. ; Bartholomew Donaghue, mercht., of the Par. of S. Paul, in the room of Vesian Moses Pick, mercht. ; John J appie, cooper, of the par. of S. Paul, in the room of Hugh Lawton, Burgess; Thomas Fuller, Esq., of the Par. of S. Peter, in the room of Wm. Garrett, chocolate maker; Attwell Hayes, brewer, of the Par. of S. Peter, in the room of Patrick Sarsfield, of said parish, dec.; John Moylan, jun., mercht., of the parish of St. Mary Shandon, in the room of Thomas Rierdan, of said -parish, mercht., dec. ; William Stack, cooper, of the par. of S. Finbarry, in the room of Francis Creed ; Boyle J agoe, Butter Mercht., of the par. of S. Finbarry, in the room of Arthur Dillon, Esq. It., £30 a year to Wm. Jenkins, Esq., Dep.-Recorder, during his residence in this City, and attention to the holding the several Courts, and provided he advise the Mayor and other Magistrates in any difficult points that may anse. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Day; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, Bury, W ethe- rall, :Maylor, Baker, Webb, Roe, Travers, Butler; Mr. Browne, Denroch, Izod, Morrison, and Harding, C. S. 6 June, 1777. This day Mr. Henry Harding, Burgess, was sworn a member of the Com- mon Council. That Sampson Jervois, mercht., having served wm. Rickotts, do.; Simon Farthing, eldest son of Robt. Davies, Esq.; Edward, eldest son of Robert Hoare, Esq., be admitted free. ·

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