9 11/ay, 1777. No business for want of a sufficient numLcr.-'vm. Rnowc, Clk. of Council. l,rcscnt--1\fr. 1\Iayor, Sher. Day and Leycestcr; Alden. 1\Iillcrd, 'Veub, and .:\Ir. Browne. 30 ltlay, 1777. No busiuess.-'Vm. Snov.·e, Clk. -of Council. Present-:\Ir. 1\Iay<Jr, .Sher. Day and Leycestcr ; Al<Icn. 1\Iillcrtl, Rwctc, Dury, "'\Vetherall, Webb, Roe, Butler, l\Iaylor; 1\Ir. Browne, 1\Iorrison, II. Harding, and Tbos. Harding, C. S. 3 June, 1777. That Richd. Fitton, Esq., eldest son of ~Ir. 'Vm. F.; l\Iarmaduke Peacock, Esq., at the request of the l\Iayor; Hon. 'Vm. Williams Hewett, Esq., son to the Rt. Hon. the Lo. Chancellor ; 1\{ichrel 1\Iorrison, mercht., eldest son of 1\:Ir. James 1\I. ; Revd. J emmett Browne, Clk., eldest son of Revd. Archd. Ed\vd. B.; Rev. Thos. Adderly Browne, eldest son of Revd. Doctor St. John llro"·ne ; 'Villiam Spread, Esq., eldest son of John S., Esq. ; Christr. Hend- ley, Esq., eldP-st sou of Mathias Hendley, Esq. ; Robert Ashe, gent., eldest son of Uichd. Ashe, Esq.; Thomas Travers, gent., eldest son of Rout. Travers of Ballycurreen, gent; Francis Bernard, jun., Esq., eldest son of James B., Esq.; 'Vm. Blennerhasset, jun., Esq., only son of Wm. B., Esq.; Thomas Newman, gent., eldest son of Charles N., gent., dec. ; }"rancis Tydd, jun., eldest son of Francis T., gent.; Heyward St. Leger, Esq., eldest son of 'Varham St. L., Esq.; Henry Ball, gent., eldest son of Robt. Ball, Esq.; Thomas Austen, gent., eldest son of 'Villiam Austen, Esq., be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that £19 17s. 6d. be paid John Jappie, cooper, for ten new coal barrels, and ten new coal half barrels; It., £104 6s. 5ll. to Mr. Nich. \: 'Vrixon, atty., for bill of costs in defending the n~andamus brought Ly\.' Richd. Fitton, Esq., against the Mayor, &c.; It., £22 15s. to Mr. Wm. Jones, atty., for his trouble in acting as agent under the Managers appointed by order of the C. D. H. to conduct the defence of the above suit; It., that. the sum of £50, part of £250 left by the will of l!r. Danl. Thrasher, dec., to the Afayor, &c., for occasional Sermons in the church of S. Mary Shandon,
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