Richard Fitton into the priviledge and franchise aforesaid, &c. 'Vitncss John, Lord Annaly, 18 Nov., A 0 • R·.·g. 17. "Ex. by·Tho..Tisdal 'Vm. }'itton allowcd.-Annn.ly. Carter." 'Ve, the 1\layor, &c., being of opinion that Rich. Fitton is not entitled to be admitted a Freeman durin~ the lifetime of his Father, do direct tho.t a return be made to the 1na ndamus of our refnsal to admit said Richard }'itton, and_ that a proper defence be taken to said mandamus in the C ... K . B. Present-Mr. 1\Iayor, Sher. Leycester; Alden. 'Vestropp, Maylor, Baker, Webb, Butler;.1\Ir. Browne, Izod, and Harding, C. S. "I hereby protest against this refusal, because I am of opmwn he has ~ an undoubted. right tWder the Dye-laws of this Corporation, agreeable to . the usage from time to time (until of late years), as will appear hy the records, and some who have gone through the office of Mayor and Sherifrs • have been admitted.free at large under that right only.-Tho. Browne." 10 Jan., 1777. That Kin~ton Roche, gent., eldest son of George R., d~.; Edward Roche, Esq~, eldest son of Edmond R,, Esq., dec.; John Abell, mercht., having served George Newsom, do.; Will. Edmonds, cooper, having served Paul Baker,.do..; John Pim Samuel, mercht.,_ha.ving served Ebenezer Pike and Sam•. Pike, do.; Edward Godfrey, mercht.,_having served l)eter Cain- bridge, do., dec.; Henry Holmes, grocer,. having served Uichd. Fuller, do., be admitted free. Present-Mr. }layor, Sher. Leycester ;.Ald• 0 • '\restropp,.Philpott, Aiaylor, Baker, Travers, Butler, Rowland; 1\Ir. Browne, Izod, aud Harding, C. S. 17 Jan., 1777. . Ordered, that .£17 68. 3d. be paid \Viii. Flyn, Printer, in full his account, and lodgings· supplied the Officer of the Guard. It., £16 3s. 7d. to John Jappie, cooper, for: coal• barrels supplied; It., £64 2s. 10id. to llr. Thos. Fuller, for timber supplied. This day a retum on the 'mandamus of .Richd. Fitton, Esq., drawn hy ll:J-2
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