15 }tot·., 1776. This day 1\fr. Sheriff Leycester took the oath of a Common Council man as Sheriff. Ordered, that £12 13s. 5d. be paid Phineas Bt\gnell, print~r, work done from 1 May, 1776, to 25 Sep. last. It., that the Corporation bond be passed to the Trustees of the North Infirmary for £200 borrowed by them ; also £40 left by Henry Moore, Esq., to said Trustees, and which they lent tho Corpo- ration. It., £17 2s. to Sampson Austin, woollen draper, for clothing sup- plied the Bellmen and Exchange porter. Present--Mr. 1\fayor, Sher. Day and Leycester; Alden. Westropp, Phil- pott, Swete, Dnry, Wethcrall, Franklin, 1\faylor, Baker, 'Vebb, Howland, Travers, Butler; 1\!r. Browne, Denroch, and Ilarlling, C. S. 22 Nov., 1776. Ordered, that Ald. Travers do provide suitable lodgings for the Judges of Assize, and that he be allowed for the same the yearly sum of £40; It., that the several licences f,'Tilnted for selling and retailing coals be hereby revoked ; It., that if any Coal Porter shall hinder any other coal porter from carrying coals, he shall forfeit 5R. in a summary way, half to the in- former, the other to the Governors of the Workhouse. J>resent-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Day and Leycester; Alden. Westrol'P' Swete, Bury, Franklin, Maylor, Baker, Philpott, Wetherall, Travers, Butler, Webb, Rowland; Mr. Browne, Izod, and Harding, C. S. 29 N vv., 1776. No business for want of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Leycester; Alden. Westropp, Bury, Maylor, Baker, Webb, Rowland, Mr. Browne and Izod. 6 Dec., 1776. This day Godfrey Baker, Esq., produced his accounts of his Waterbaililf- ship from 27 June, 1774 to 29 June last; whereby it appears he paid into the hands of the Chamberlain .£461 11s. 11jd. over and aLove all expenses, 115
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