Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Millerd, Philpott, Bury, Wetherall., Wrixon., Maylor, Webb, Travers, Frank- lin, and Mr. Den.roch. 11 Sep., 1776. No b'asiness for want 'Of a sufficient number.-Wm. Snowe, Clk. of Council. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Westropp; Alden. Westropp, Millcrd, Philpott, Bury, Webb, and Mr. Browne. 18 Sep., 1776. Ordered, tha.t a pension of £50 a year be paid the widow of the late Sheriff Lawton, dec., in remembrance of the uncommon activity and atten- tion of her late husband in the execution of his office, the vigorous exertion of which in some measure hastened his death. That John Morgan, gent., eldest son of J onnthan M., dec. ; 'Vm. Wade, gent., eldest son of Thos. W., mercht., dec., be admitted free. It., £11 7s. 6d. to Mr. Wm. Maturin for Irish and English Newspapers; It., £31 6s. to Messrs. Izod and Busteed for candles from 14 Sep., 1775, to 28 Aug. last. That Edmond Armstrong, of Ennis, co. Clare, ERq., brother-in-law of Mr. Sheriff Westropp, and 1\fr. Edward Dorman, brother-in-law to Mr. Sheriff Denroche, be admitted free. Pre8ent--Mr. Mayor, Sher. W estropp and Denroch ; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, Bury, Wetherall, Franklin, 'Vrixon, Maylor, Baker, Webb, Travers; Mr. Denroch and Izod. 1 Nov., 1770. Hugh Lawton, Esq., 1\fayor. This day :Mr. Mayor and Mr. Sheriff Day took the oath of Common Council men. That the Rt. Hon. Lo. Vise. Kingsborrough be presented with his freedom in a Silver box. Whereas a dispute has arisen between the Corporation and Mr. John Harding, burgess, touching the right to the quayage of part of the West Quay of the Bridewell dock, and Mr. Harding, to prevent the expenses of litigation, proposed to refer the dispute to the arbitration of two lawyers,


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