Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Wetherall, Wrixon, Maylor, Baker., Webb; Roe,.Travers ; ~1r. Browne, and Denroclh 2_9 July, 1716. Whereas the Lo.-Lieut. is·now in the neighbourhood of this.City, ordered, that an invitation be sent his ExcellY., and such Noblemen and Gentlemen .. as shall be. with him, also the Earls of Inchiquin. and Shannon, and to Richard Longfield, Esq., one of our Rep.'s in Parliarnent, to djne with the Corporation at the Mayoralty House, and that Sher. W estropp, Ald. Millerd, Travers, and the Town Clerk wait on His Excell.. with the invitation. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Westropp; .Alden. W estropp,.Millerd, Wrixon, Maylor,.Webb, Roe, Travers; Mr. Browne, and Denroch. 6. Sep., 1776. Ordere<!l, that the Gateage and other Tolls and Customs of this City, &c., be set to public cant (as before). paying the canter one guinea for each cant, and that no milk be pitched for sale in any of the markets, except in the North and South Milk Markets, and the. markets lately erected in Black- pool ; It., that a .posting be put up on the Exchange for electing a Water Bailiff (salary. and duties as before).; It., that the Quay near the Mayoralty House be repaired, as part of same has fallen do.wn, and that the Mayor, "'v./ Ald. Millerd, and Hen. Wrixon, Esq., o.versee same; It., £9 7s. to Mr. 1 • Sher. W estropp, expenses attending his,. Ald. Millerd, Travers, and Mr. Snow's waiting on the Lo.-Lieut. at Castlemartyr to invite him to dine; It., £2 lOs. to Timothy Mulcahy for painting and glLilding. the dial-plate of the clock on the Exchange; It., £10 a year to the widow of Sheriff Lawton, dec.; It., £26 12s. 6d. to Ald. Westropp, for the clothing of six boys of S. Stephen's Hospital; It., £13 5s. Btd. to Phineas Bagnell, printer, for work done from 7 Oct., 1775, to 25 March, 17.76; It., £51 2s. 3d. to George Seymour, brazier and tin man, for work done ; It., that a lot of ground on the South side of Tuckey's street, containing 46 feet in front, be taken from Thomas Tuckey, gent., for 999 years, at a yearly rent of £23, to build thereon a Guard house for the Main Guard. This day Mr. Sher. Denroch was sworn of the ~ouncil, Mr. Mayor Elect to keep the secrets of the Council, and Mr. Thos. Harding as C. S. Frcsent-Mr. Mayor, Shcr. Westropp and Denroch ; Alden. Westropp,

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