Mr; 1.Iayor, Sher. "\Vestropp, and 1.fr. Burgess Henry Wrixon be a committee to get a plan and estimate prepared; It., that £65 18s. 7d. be paid Mr. Nichs. Wrixon, atty., in full for his bill of costs from Trin. T., 1774, to Hil. T., 1776. That Robert Fuller Hartnett, Esq., Councillor-at-Law, be admitted free. It., That Mr. Kent buy 100 Barrels of coal for the Corporation; It., £2G Os. 3d. to "\Vm. Snowe, Esq., his Bill of costs from 7 June, 1773, to 13 ~farch last. It., that the three Bonds passed to the !1inister and C. W. of the Parish o~ S. Peter, for the use of the poor, making £315 at 5 per cent., be taken up, and a new Bond with interest at 6 per cent. passed, and that the order of 23 Aug., 1774, for passing a Bond to said Minister, &c., be rescinded. It., that Interest at 6 per cent. be paid the Trustees of the will of Archd. Pomeroy, dec., for £180 for clothing and schooling as many poor boys of the 1\u. of S. Peter as far as same will go, and which was borrowed by the Corporation at 5 per cent. (order vacated as the bond is not produced). It., that interest at 6 pe1· cent. be paid the Trustees of the will of Mrs. Shearman, dec., for £50 left by her for building a poor school in the Par. of S. Peter and paying the rent, which was borrowed at 5 per cent. (vacated for like reason) ; It., that no further interest be paid on the two last- mentioned bonds until they be produced. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lawton and Westropp; Alden. Westropp, ~Iillerd, Bury, Wetherall, Wrixon, Maylor, Baker, Webb,. Rowland, Travers; Mr. Izod, and Browne. 20 July, 17'16. No business for want of a sufficient number.-W. Snowe, Clk. of Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lawton and Westropp; Alden. _Westropp, Millcrd, Bury, W etherall, and Mr. Browne. • 26 July, 1776. f Whereas on the night of last Wednesday a soldier belonging to H. M. " _19 Reg. Foot, being on duty as sentine~ at Blackpool, was most .barbarously haughed by two persons unknown Without the least provocatiOn, ordered, that £50 be paid to any person who within six calendar months shall con- viot said offenJe.rs, or either of them.
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