Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals

. .COMMITTEE TO LOOK FOR ,A• P~OPF.R_ ~L~CE TO ~UILD GUARD HOUSES, ETC. 907 . ·Ald. Philpott: Michl. Ottley, clothier, .served Norl'is Bollard, do.; Francis Beamish. Esq., eldest so~ of Wm." Beamish, Esq., dec. ; Robert Wrixon, Esq.~ eldest son of Henry W., Esq., dec.; John Boyle, Esq., eldest son of Bel4nghan1 B., Esq., dec. ; Henry Shen.res, Esq~, eldest son of IIenry S., dec.; James Louris, cooper, having served Hobt Eason, Jun., do.; John Heard, gent., having served wm. Snowe; James ~uller. mercht., having ~erved 'ym; Webb and John Day, do.; Butler Fogerty, nwrch'., having served Wm. Clarke; John \Vhitiug, cooper, having served_ John Baker, do., be admitt~d free. . Present-Mr. Mayor, Slier." Lawt.mi and· Westropp ; Aidon. W estropp, Philpott, Swete, Bury, Wetheru.ll, Franklin, \Vrixon, Maylor, Baker, Uowland, Travers; Mr. Browne, Izod, and Dowman, U; S. 10 June, 1776. Ordered, that Mr. Mayor, Sher. W estropp, Ald. Millord and Bury, be a committee to look out for a proper place to .Uuild Guard !louses and offices for H. M. officers and soldiers who shall mount the liain Guard; It., £35 15s. 56d. to Sam•. Hobbs, carpenter, work done; lt., £46 2s. 6d. to Wm. Reynolds, goldsmith and silversmith, work done from 16 llarch, 1774, to 12 Dec.,.1775; It., £7. 0&. 5d. to Mr. Mayor, for clothing for Exchange Porter; It., 9s. 7d. to Mr. Mayor, far two large wooden trays bought for the use of the liayoralty House ; It., £2 5s. 6d. to Joseph Bullen, six months' attendance in the Mayor's Office in the Exchange, and keeping same clean. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. WestrOEP; Alden. Westropp, l\1illerd, Bury, Webb, Travers; lir.. Browne,_and Dowman, C. S. 28 June, 1776. No business for w.ant of a sufficient number.--John. Showe, D. Clk. of Council. ' Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher.. Westropp; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, Bury, and Mr. Browne. 3 July~ 1776. It is the opinion of this Board that the present Fowl Market will Le a proper place to build a Guard House for the Main Guard; ordered, thaL 114-2

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