Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


24 Jan., 1776. No business for want of a sufficient nun1ber.- wm. Snowe, Clk. or CounciL Present--Mr. ~fayor, Sher. Lawton; AIJcn. 'Ycstropp, 1\fillerd, Bury, Roe, Rowlfind, and 1\.fr. Browne. 26 Jan., 1776. Ordered, that .£16 12s. 5!<l. be paid San1•. IIobbs, joiner, work done from 31 Sep., 1774, to 12 July last; It., .£18 17$. 10~d. to Phineas Bagnell & Co. for printing from 28 1\.farch to 22 Nov. last; It., .£11 198. 6d. to William Butler, Esq., for clothing for the Bellmen and Exchange Porter ; It., .£20 48. to Ald. 'Vestropp, due to hitn as 1\.faster of the Blue Coat Hospital, to be accounted for on the loan. An application having been 'made to the 1\Iayor by Major-Gen. Cunning- ham for permission to smooth and clean the passage between the Castle and the old Barrack, ordered, that ~fr. 1\Iayor, AlU. l\Iillerd, Franklin, and Roe be impowered to view said passage, and if they think proper, to grant such permission; It., .£14 138. 6cl. to Sam•. Hobbs in full for work done; It., .£:32 3s. 9d. to Sampson AlL~ten, for clothing for five boys apprenticed from the Blue Coat Hospital; It., .£65 198. 11~d. to William 1\fahony, tyler, for his account; It., .£30 58. Old. to Mr. Burgess Fuller, for timber, deals, &c., supplied; It., 128. 10}d. to ~fanasses Colthurst, for umts and sand for Council Chamber; It., .£2 168. 10~d. for veal skins for covering the Tholsel Office Books. Present--Mr. 1\.Iayor, Sher. La·wton ;· A.IJeu. 'Vestropp, 1\fillerd, Franklin, Roe, Rowland; lfr. Browne, and Dowman, C. S. 7 Feb., 1776. Ordered, that .£65 be paiJ 'Villm. Butler, Esq., 1\Iayor, to complete his salary; It., .£14 13s. 7d. to Roger Ouldin, mason, work done from 9 Jan., 1775, to 24 Oct., 1775; It., .£11 Os. 1d. to Timothy Hughes, smith, work done. That Edward Pope, Cooper, having served Roger Langley, do., be admitted free. It., ·.£11 18s. IO!d. to John Jappie, for Coal Barrels supplied and repair- ing old ones; It., .£10 a year to ~Irs. Jane llruce, widow of the late Burgess 114

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