Allin, do.; William Lumbley, mercht., having served Wm. Lawton and Kevan Izod ; John Turner, glazier, having served Richard Burt, do. ; nichard Smy, cooper, having served Ald. Maylor; Walter Baldwin, Esq., clJcst son of Henry B., Esq., dec. ; Thomas Millerd, shoemaker, eldest son of Hcuben Millerd, silversmith, dec.; George Williams, butcher, having served Thomas Williams and Edwd. Cooke, do.; Joseph Paul, cooper, having served John Paul, do.; Robert Franklin, gent., eldest son of Ald. F.; Edward Beads, mariner, eldest son of Edwd. B., barber, dec.; John Teulon, mercht., having served Westcombe Wood, mercht.; Henry Touch- stone, mercht., having served Mr. Burgess Conner, dec.; Francis Adams, butcher, eldest son of Francis A., dec., be admi~ed freemen at large. Present-Mr. liayor, Sher. Lawton and Westropp; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, Bury, Wetherall, Franklin, Rowland, Webb, Baker, Travers; Mr. Izod, Denroch, and Dowman, C. S. 8 Dec., 1775. Ordered, that Major Gen. Robt. Cunningham, Esq., Provincial Gen 1• of Munster, in the room of Lord Blaney, dec., be presented with his freedom '{ in a Silver Box; also Mountifort Longfield, Esq. ; Abraham Augustus Nickson, Esq. ; and Benjn. Richard Nickson, Esq., f~emen at large. It., .£9 2s. 2d. to Mr. Mayor, expenses of papering two rooms at the Mayoralty House, and two mahogany tables bought for use of same house. That James Millerd, gent., nephew to Ald. Millerd; John Parks, gent., eldest son of Ald. P., dec.; Charles Bennett, butcher, having served his father, James B., do., be admitted free. It., that Saml. Brooks, cooper, freemen at large, be appointed Exchange Porter or keeper of the Exchange; It., that Manasses Colthurst, who acted since Aug. last Exchange Porter, be paid for his trouble 4 guineas, also to have the clothes that were made for him as Exchange Porter. )(' That Roger Me O'Boy, apothecary, having served Mr. Sher. Bennett ; J olm Thomas Baxter, butcher, having served George Baxter, do., dec., be admitted free. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lawton and Westropp; Alden. Millerd, Franklin, Wrixon, :Afaylor, Baker, Collis, Rowland, Travers; Mr. Browne, Izod, and Dowman, C. S.
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