Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



giving security for the penalty of .£100 to pay his collections once a fort- night to the Chamberlain ; It., that Afr. Snowe prepare a 1\femorial to the Lo.-Chanc. praying for the appointment of Commissioners of Bankruptcy fur this City, as it is highly inconvenient for the inhabitants of this City to go to Dublin on such Bankruptcys as may happen in this City; It., £42 18.i. 3tl. to Elizabeth Gwinn, widow and admx. of Rich 11 • Gwinn, late of this City, tyler, dec., in full, for his account from 11 May, 1773, to 1G June, 1774; It., that .£10 be paid the Clerk of S". 1\Iary Shandon, fu1· instructing tho boys of S. Stephen's Hospital to sing, for one year ; It., that a grant be made to Hovell .Farmer, Esq., of the office of Scavenger, for the Main Street from gate to gate, to hold same for 21 years, with liberty to lodge such dung as he shall collect on the Corporation Quay, on the East side of the South Bridge, with a clause of surrender every three, sa.iu Hovell paying .£10 a year; It.. lOs. 6d. to Wm. 'Vily, whitest~nitlt, for sundry articles supplied for the Mayoralty House; It., £4!J 8s. i ~ rl. to TimY. Hughes, ironmonger, for work done; It., .£46 17s. 11 ~tl. to l\Ir. Sheriff Fuller, for timber supplied from 9 Dec., 1772, to 14 May, 1774. That Joseph Oates, gent., at the request of Air. Mayor, be admitted free. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Fuller and Bennett ; Alden. Westropp, 1\fil- lerd, Philpott, Franklin, Webb, Rowland, Baker; Afr. Browne and lzod. 13 Jan., 1775. Ald. 1\Iillerd, Franklin, Mr. Browne, Fitton, Kent, and LuC?Us, appointed by the C. D. H., to state the Chamberlain•s accounts to the time of his removal from his office, report, that they find the sum of .£500 lOs. 1ill. due from him to the Corporation, in which is included .£103 2s. 6d. alledged to be due from the Widow 1\foriarty, for part of the rent of the Tolls of the Com Market, from 29 Sep., 1772, to 29 Sep., 1773. . It., that the late Chamberlain be allowed .£103 2s. 6d. due from the Widow Moriart~, out of the balance of .£500 lOB. lid. on his delivering to - --- .....__. ,_ Mt·. Snowe the bOnds of said Widow, to enable the Corporation to sue for balance ; It., that .£365 be paid Air. A!ayor in addition to the salary of .£200 ; It., that the premises called the Old Bridewell, demised to John Gaggin, dec., by the Corporation, be distrained for .£24:2, balance of four years' rent due 25 March last. 113-2


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