20 Sep., 177 4. Ordered, that a posting be put up in the Exchange for the election of a Cha1nberlain, on 27 inst. It., a salary·of £80 to the person elected· Chamb(}rlain, from 29 Sep., giving himself and two securities in .£4000 ; that he prepare a book to enter his daily receipts and payments ; that on every Council day he fur- nish the C. S. with said book, to enable them to judge of th~ state of the Corporation Revenues. It., that a large cellar on Haman's Marsh, belong- ing to Mr. Snowe, be taken at £12 rent, for the use of the Sergeants of 1\la.ce to keep goods taken under-the attachment of the Tholsel Court. Present-1\lr. Mayor, Sher. Carleton ; Alden. Owgan, W estropp, Millard, Franklin, Wrixon, 1\Iaylor, Webb; }fr. Browne, Denroch, Izod, Thompson, C. S., also the Recorder, Ald. W etherall, and Baker. 24 Sep., 177 4. That Richard Rely Hutchinson, Esq., eldest son of Rt. Hon. J. H. Hutchin- son, one of our Reps., be presented with his freedom in a Silver Box; and Y. James Spratt, gent., be admitted free. Present-~r. Mayor, Sher. Carleton; Alden. Westropp, Philpott, Baker, Wetherall, Webb, ·Franklin, Wrixon; .Mr. Denroch, Izod, and Thompson, c. s. 29 Sep., 1774. No business for want of a sufficient nwnber. In the absence of the Clk. of the Council, Fra. Carleton, j up. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Berry and Carleton ; Burgess Denroch and Browne; Ald. Westropp and Webb. 1 Oct., 1774. That Hugh ~vedale, clothier, having served Abraham Lane, do.; Richard Williams, Butcher, eldest son of W. do., dec.; wm. Dwyer, cooper, having served Silvest"4tr Clarke, do.; Henry Bennett, gent, eldest son of Richard B., cooper, dec. ; George Newenham, jun., clothier, having served George Newenham, sen., do. ,· James Roche, barber, eldest son of Gerrard R., clothier, dec. ; and John Jones be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that £26 Bs. 4d. be paid Sampson Austen, 'Voollen draper, .. clothing supplied the boys of the Blue Coat Hospital, from 17 1\larch, 1774, 113
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