Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



John l">eter Parrett, mercht., having served reter Cossart, do., Le admit.tml free. It., That 1\Ir. Sober Kent l1e appointed one of tbe Scavengers of the City, with full power to remove all dirt awl other filth out of the streets, lanes, Quays, &c., of this City, for which scavengers have not been appointed, as well as all streets, &c., for which they have been appointed, in case they neglect to cart away the same. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Berry and Carleton ; Alden. Bury, Westropp, Philpott, 1\Iaylor, Baker, 'V rixon ; llr. Browne, Izod, and Mr. C. S. 1n A zn-il, 177 4. Ordered, that £20 be paid 1\Ir. James Darrett, for six window curtains for the l\Iayoralty House. It., £3 lOs. lld. to 1\Ir. 1\Iayor, for Bullinbroke's Abridgement, Vesey's Appendix, and Blackston's Commentaries, for the Mayor's Office; It., 100 guineas to the trustees for supplying this City with water, being the Corporation's eight dividend on 25 shares at four guineas each; It., 150 guineas to do. for do. for ninth dividend on 25 shares at 6 guineas each. It., that £15 a year be paid the widow of Mr. Daniel Connor, dec., one of the Burgesses and Common Council men ; It., that Mr. Snowe prepare a memorial to His Excell. the Lo.-Lieut. praying that the powder be re- moved from Skiddy's Castle, as the same is a most dangerous place for keeping powder, and that the government will build a magazine for keep- ing powder in some convenient place in the suburbs or liberties of this City. Present-Mr."Mayor, Sher. Berry; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, Bury, May- lor, Roe, W rixon, Baker ; Mr. Browne, Denroch, and Izod. 17 May, 1774. Ordered, that the mils taken down from the house purchased from Tho. Butler, Esq., be sold, and the money paid to the Chamberlain; It., that £5 be paid the widow of George Fuller, dec., one of the burgesses, being very indigent ; It., that a pension of £15 a year be paid said Widow Fuller; It., that the Bond of the Corporation to the Treasurer of this City, and County Annuity Society, for £300., with interest at 5 per cent., be taken

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