Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



of flour, injure or stop any pigs, or goous, or provisions coming into or going out of town. That Thomas Lane, clothier, having served William Parks, Esq., do., be adn1itted a freeman at large. It., £11 17s. 2!d. to Mr. James ~Iorrison for timber; It., £12 3s. 9d. to the lamp-contractor; It., £32 16s. 2d. to Roger Oulden, mason, for work done; It., £6 13s. 3d. to John Busteed, printer. Whereas it appears to this lloard that the Committee of ~:Iorchants and a majority of the Inhabitants of this City are now of opinion that local taxes would be burdensome and injurious, ordered, that Mr. Snowe do not pro- ceed in preparing a memorial for that purpose, as directed by a former order, and it is also the opinion of this Board that builuing a Bri<lge over the North Channel by any other mode of taxation or toll than by local duties, or in any other situation than from Baldwin's corner to Exham's cellars will be injurious. Present-- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Berry; Alden. W estropp, Philpott, Bury, and Franklin. 4 Feb., 177 4. Ordered, that £250 be paid the Governors of the Work IIouse, in part discharge of £500 due from the Corporation. It., £200 to }.fr. Mayor in addition to his salary voted by the C. D. II. That Henry Granger, clothier, having served Joseph Heard, do., be admitted free. It., that the Mayor, &c., have power to draw on the Chamberlain for 20 guineas, as reward for apprehending offenders against the peace of the City. It., 3 guineas to Mr. Burgess llrowue for erecting two pillars to support the Mayor's Gallery in the church of S. 1\Ia.ry Shandon. . That Peter Warner, glazier, having served Thomas Dyer, do., dec., be admitted free. .. Present--1\Ir. Mayor, Sher. Berry and Carleton; AIJen. Millerd, Philpott, Franklin, 1\:Iaylor, Swete, WrLxon, Smith, Baker; Mr. Browne and Izod. (Foot Note)-" The three leaves next preceding this were by accident torn out of this Book."-'V. Snowe, Clk. of the Council. (The subsequent two leaves are 1nended, none of the P1·oceedinos a1·e lost.-Editor ). 112-2

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