Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


'Yl1eren.s the Corporation executed their bond to Thomas Butler, E~q., on 28 June last, for £3;}0, and said Butler hath assigned said bond to f'iuwn l>ring, Esq., ordered, that on sn.itl Dring's delivering up said bond a new ouo for said sum be passed by the 1\fayor, &c. Present--1\{r. 1\!ayor, Sher. liarris ; Alden. 1\Iilleru, :1\{n.ylor, Webh; 1\Ir. Browne, Denroch, Izotl, anJ L1.pp, C. ~. 9 Oct., 1773. Francis llowlatH.l, Esq., 1\In.yor. This day the 1\Ia.yor and Sherin's took the oath of Common Council men, during office. This board approves of Richd. Harris to be Dep. Water Bailiff of Corkc, Charles Cottrell do. at l)assage, and James Gillaspie, do. at Cove. Ordered, that Mr. Mayor provide an oval table of red deal, tl1at will hold 24 chairs and two proper inkstands for the Council Chamber; It., 5 guineas to Councillor Jenkins, Dep. Hecorder, to buy a gown to be worn l1y hin1 in his office; It., that a seventh dividend of six guineas be pa.iu 1\Ir. Burgess Izod on the Corporation's 25 shares in the 'Vater Scheme; lt., that one guinea be paid Sergeant Weaver and his guard at the North Shambles, who arrested one Naughton, a rioter, who with a drawn sword was going through the public street at midnight to the terror of his 1\Inj. subjects; It., that Mr. Burgess Lucas be appointed scavenger for keeping George's Street clean; It., that Ald. Maylor be appointed scavenger for sweeping and keeping clean the long Quay and Fish Street. Present-1\{r. Mayor, Sher. Berry and Carleton ; Alden. Westropp, 1\!illcrd, Wetherall, Smith, Maylor, Webb, Roe; Mr. Browne, Izod, and Denroch. 19 Oct., 1773. Ordered, that £14 118. 6d. be paid Andrew Dalton, Carpenter, work done at Blaclcrock Castle; It., £7 118. 3d. to said Dalton, work done at the Bridewell; It., £11 Ss. Bd. to Mr. Tho. Fuller, mercht., for timber for Black- rock Castle ; It., £6 128. to Robt. Heron, cooper, for six new coal barrels and mending old ones ; It., £14 68. 1d. to T. Fuller for timber for the Bridewell. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Berry ; Alden. Newman, W estropp, lfillerd, Philpott, Bury, Wri.xon, Maylor, Baker, Webb, Rowe; Mr. Browne, Denroch, and Izod.

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