Present-1\fr. 1\fayor, Shcr. Ilarris; Alden. vVestropp, 1\fillerd, Bustced, Philpott, vVri."\:on, Smith, Maylor, \Vebb; 1\fr. Browne, Denroch, Izod, and Lapp, C. S. 20. Sep., 1773. Ordered, that tl1e Gateage and other Tolls be set by public cant, 28 inst. Present-Mr._Mayor, Sher. Ranis and Franklin; Alden. W estropp, Mil- lerd, Busteed, Philpott, Wrixon, Webb; Mr. Browne and Izod. 21 Sep., 1773. Ordered, that a posting be put up on the Exehange for electing a Water Bailiff for this City for one year, the election to be held in open C. D. H., on 29- Sep. inst. I't., That a Sa-lary of £60 be paid the-Waterbailiff for one year, (duty as before). It., £25 6s. 6d. be- paid Mr. Kevan Izod, fQr candles from 14 Sep., 1772, to 12 Aug., 1773. It., £7 lOs. 7d. to. the representatives of Norton Parr, for weights and scales for the Market Jury. It., That £1 12s. be paid 1\Ir. Mayor, so much paid by him for Hearth money for the Mayoralty house. It., 4s. 6d. to Ald. Philpott, paid by him for fitting up lamps outside North Gate; It. 5s. 9d. to James Barrett, for painting lamp-posts. ~'Vhereas Bayly Rogers, Esq., planted four elm trees opposite the South- west corner of his hous~, and as by the enlargement of the West Quay by the Corporation, opposite \o. the place where said trees are planted, the removal of the said trees near to the wall of said quay is thought neces- sary for enlarging and opening the passage to the 1\fayoralty House, to which said Bayly Rogers hath consented, ordered, that said Rogers shall have liberty to remove the said four elm trees near said wall, and that the property in said trees shall be in said Bayly Rogers and his heirs, and they shall haYe liberty from time to time to plant four trees in the form of said trees near said wall. It., That 1\Ir. 1\Iayor, l\Ir. C. S., ~Ir. Hen. vVrixon, and l\fr. Denroch, are appointed a committee to inspect the l\fayoralty-house, and supply same with such necessary fur.niture as i~ wanting.
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