Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals


Present-~Ir. l\[ayor, Sher. IIa.rris; Aittcn. 1\:Iillerd, Dury, 1\Iaylor, 'Vebb, and l\fr. 1:-,uller, C. S.

30 .A JH·il, 1773. Ordered, that £55 11R. 8d. be paid Wm. Reynolds, gold~mith, for silvcr- smith's work done from 4 1\In.y, 1771, to 6 l\farch last; It., £-15 19s. 11i<l. to Richd. Gwinn, slater, work done from 13 Jan., 1772, to 10 April inst.; It., £15 3s. 4"d: to John Rusteed, printer; It., £14 6s. 5~d. to Sampson Austen, Woolen draper, for cloathing supplied the Bellmen and Exchange Porter ; It., £2~ 58. 10 ~d: to Richard Burt, glazier, for work done from 19 Dec., 1771, to 11 Feb. last; It., £11 3s. 8d. to said Burt for glazing and plumbing work done at S. Stephen's Hospital, from 10 l\Iay, 1771, to 25 1\Iarch last, to be accounted· for on the loan ; It., £27 15s. 1d. to Roricr Ouldin, mason, his account in full, for mason and pavior's work done for tho Corporation from 16 1\-fay, 1772, to 2~ Oct. last; It., £170 12s. Gd. to tho Trustees of_ the 'Vater scheme, being the Corporation's sixth divi<lcnd on 25 shares at 6 guineas each 8harc; It., that Mr. Sober Kent buy 150 Barrels of coal ; It., £29 2s. Sd. to "\Vtn. Snowe, Esq., in full, for his Bill of c,,:its from June, 1 no, to 11 l\farch last; It., £8 6s. 11d. to }..rancis Carll!ton, Esq., so much paid for· suing one Miles Cogan, who was indebted to tho Corporation by bond passed said Carleton in trust ; It., that l\fr. l\fayor, Ald. l\Iillerd aml lien. \Vrixon, Esq., be overseers for lmiluing a quay from the angle in the old quay opposite the North-west quoin of :hfr. Thos. But- ler's dwelling-house on IIaman's l\farsh, to the north side of the ope in tho parapet wall opposite Dr. Roger's dwelling-house on Pike's Marsh, and for filling the dock inside the same to the West end of the arch lately built by the public over part of said dock, and for building a sewer through same, pursuant to the estimate of Edmond Flaherty, mason, and that £20 19s. 2d. be paid for said work. It., that £69 Ss. 2d. be paid Mr. :hlayor, Ald. llillerd, and Henry Wrixon, Esq., for building a frontispiece of the Doric order to the Mayoralty House, pursuant to a plan and estimate before the Council "\Vl10reas the Butchers have dc<:lineu occupying the new Flesh Shambles, formerly the Fowll\Iarket., and the fowl market is found inconvenient, ordered, that the fowl and worsted markets shall for the future be kept in said flesh shambles. 111-2

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