committee to consiuer the ways of raising local taxes for building an Exchange, opening passages, &c., and that 5 guineas be paid said gentlemen to expend in enquiring into the methou of raising such taxes. That the following repairs be made at Bla~krock by Mr. Kent, glass of the windows repaired; window-sashes, shutters, ap.d doors painted; house whitewashed, new kitchen chimney and oven cured from smoking. floor of ohl kitchen repaired, small grate fixed in the room over the kitchen, and one in the old kitchen, and that two dozen of oak chairs be bought for the large room. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harris and Franklin-; Alden. Millerd, Philpott, Swete, Bury, Wrixon, Maylor, Webb; Mr. Browne, Izod, and Fuller, C. S. 14 April, 1773. Ordered, that Ald. Franklin, Webb, Sher. Franklin, Mr. Paul Benson, Richd. Hare, J ohu Cuthbert and Henry Wrixon, be added to the gentlemen appointed to consider the means of raising the local taxes, and report. It., that Hovell :Farmer, Esq., be appointed scavenger, to cause the streets frmn .North.to South gate to be swept, that he shall have the benefit of the dung paying the Corporation £10 per annum; that he shall cause the street to be swept one day and carry the sweepings away the next, or any person to be at liberty to take away same. It., that the Mayor, &c., do upon the Revd. Thos. Browne's delivering up the Corporation bond passed to him for £200 at 5 pe'i' cent. execute a new bond for same, payable with lawful interest in 12 months from date hereof. It., that £S2 4s. 9Qd. be paid to Timothy Hughes, in full, for his a~count from 30 July, 1770, to 16 Feb., 1773. It., that a map of the Slab ground belonging to the Corpo- ration at the South side of the Navigation Wall be taken from the begin- ning of said wall on the West and to extend 83 feet below the end of said wall on the East, and to extend on the South to the South Channel, and from thence to low water mark, and that Ald. Franklin and Sher. Franklin do employ a proper Surveyor for taking said map. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Franklin; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, Philpott, Bury, "\Vrixon, Franklin, Webb; !1r. Browne, Izod, and Fuller, C. S. 28 .April, 1773. No business for waut of a snfl' · t 1. J I L D Clk f lClCn nnmuer.- om ane, . . o (;uuucil.
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