Busteed, eleven months, and 1\Iessrs. Rob. Lane, Paul and James Benson the remaining time; Zebulon Upington, mercht., having served Francis Hodder, mercht. ; Francis Tiichd. Rowe, mercht., at the request of 1\fr. 1\fayor, be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that £45 12s. bo paid Richd. Coldwell, cabinet-maker, in full for 48 mahogany chairs for the 1\Iayoralty house.
Alden. 1\Iillerd, Swete, Bury, 1\Ir. Browne, Izod, and Fuller,
Present--l\fr. 1\fayor, Sher. Franklin; Franklin, Wrixon, l\1aylor, 'Vebb, Baker; c. s.
27 Feb., 1773. Ordered, that £1500 be borrowed by the 1\Iayor, &c., from Hans Stewart, E~q., and that the 1\fayor, &c., execute a Corporation bond to said Stewart for £400 payable with the lawful interest in 12 tnonths, also a second bond for £500 payable with like interest in 18 months, also a third for £600 with like interest in two years, and that 6 months' notice be given for calling in the tnoney secured on any of said bonds. It., that the Mayor, &c., (upon 1\fr. Denroch's delivering up the Corpora- tion Bond passed to him for £1000 with interest at 5 per cent.) execute a new bond for £1000 payable with lawful interest in 12 months, six tnontlul previous notice to be given for calling in the money secured on said Bond. It., that £31 19s. 7 d. be paid Ald. \Ve~tropp, as master of the Blue Coat Hospital, balance of his accounts to 12 Jan., 1773, to be accounted for on the loan. Present--Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harris and Franklin ; Alden. Westropp, Phil- pott, Swete, Bury, Smith, Baker, Webb, Franklin, and l\fr. Izod. 5 J,fa'l·ch, 1773. Whereas by the late act the several Markets in this City and the Mayor- alty House are liable to taxes, according to their valuation, for Lamp money and other taxes, ordered, that the Chamberlain do pay the same. Present- Mr. Mayor, Sher. Harris ; Alden. Newman, W estropp, Millerd, Philpott, Swete, Bury, }faylor, Baker, Franklin, Webb ; Mr. Browne, and Izod. 10 J,la'l·ch, 1773. Ordered, that Ald. }Iillerd, Bury, lir. Izod, Strettell, and Digby be a 111
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