24 .1Yov., 1772. Ordered, that a Committee be appointed to state the Chamberlain's accounts; It., £25 14s. 5(l. to 'Villi<llll \\rily, blacksmith, in full for lamp irons and expense of erecting same ; It., £~ 3s. 4~<l. to Ald. 1\lillcrd, so much expended by him in marking out the places in the Parish of S. J•etcr's where the lamps are erected, and painting 47 lamp-posts; It., £1 38. 10cl. to 1\fr. John Jones for erecting 195 lamps in the parish of Christ Church; It., £39 9s. 3d. to Richard llurt, glazier, for repairing the lamps; It., £26 2s. O~d. to 1\fr. Tho. Fuller, in full for timber for the lamp posts ; It., £20 4s. 3d. to Wm. Uogers, tinman, in full for burners, oilpots, and lanthorns; It., £17 11s. 1d. to Andrew Dalton, carpenter, in full for making the lamp posts ; It., £7 9s. 10 ~cl. to Uoger Ouldin, rnason, in full for erecting the laxnp posts in the Main street; It., £8 5s. 1d. to Roger Ouldin, in full for 1\.fasons' work; It., £15 18s. 2~d. to 1\Ir. Tho. Fuller for timber for the new 1\leat Shambles; It., £30 7s. 1d. to Timothy Hughes, in full for lamp irons; It, £8 7s.1d. to Andrew Dalton for work done to the New Meat Shambles; It., £2 Bs. 4!d. to Richd. Evans, Exchange Porter, for sand, &c.; It., £1 3s. 2d. to Mr. Burgess Browne, so much expended by him in erecting lamps in the parishes of S. 1\fary and S. Ann's Shandon ; It., that a posting be put up in the Exchange for the election of an Alderman in the room of Ald. Math. Smith ; It., £2 16s. 5d. to Roger Ouldin, mason, in full for erecting lamp posts in the parishes of S. Finbarry and S. Nicholas. Presen~l\fr. Mayor, Sher. Harris; Alden. Newman, Westropp, Millerd, Bury, Franklin, Smith, l\:Iaylor, W eLb, Philpott, Swete, Parker, Wetherall ; 1\:Ir. Browne, and Fuller, C. S. 6 Jan., 1773. Mr. Kevan Izod, one of the Burgesses, being in open C. D. H., was elected one of the Common Council on the death of Ald. Parker, was this day sworn. That His Excell. the Lo. Lieut. be presented with his freedom in a Gold box, and that Rt. Hon. Hely Hutchinson one of our representatives pre- sent it. The Rt. Ron. John Blaquaire, Principal Sec. to Lo. Lieut., in a Silver b~x to be presented by Ron. H. Hutchinson ; and the Right Revd. Charles, Lord Bishop of ClQyne, in a Silver box; also John Woulfe, mercht., having X / /
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