Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



years ; It. that £64 ls. ld. be paid Andrew Dalton, carpenter, for work done·.at Blackrock Castle ; It., that an advertisement be published in Bag- nell's newspaper, that the Mayor, &c., will contract with any person for lighting the Lamps in the parishes, separately or for the whole City, from 1 Oct. to 1 May next, from sunset to sunrise, and for the two following years from 1 Sep. to 1 May, do., to be lighted with single burners. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Wrixon; Alden. Parker, Millerd, Mr. Smith, Maylor, Westropp, Baker, Wrixon, J. Smith, Mr. Browne, and Denroch. 17 Sep., 1772. Ordered, that the Guard House opposite Shandon Church be rendered, repaired and whitewashed. It., £4 7s. 6d. to Mr. Nicholas Wr!xon for 30 copies of the late act relative to this City. That Thomas Parker, having served Westcombe Wood; Saml. Dixon clothier, having served Mortogh Mahony, do. ; John J appie, Master cooper, in testimony of his extraordinary activity in his office as one of the Parish Constables in bringing to Justice divers outrageous offenders at the imminent hazard of his life, be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that the interest in the dwelling-house of Thomas Butler, Esq., opposite the Mayoralty House be purchased for £350, together with such articles belonging to said house as Ald. Millerd, Mr. Burgess Wrixon, and Mr. Snowe shall agree to give the said Butler. That Charles Fitz Simmons, gent. ; William Smith, son of Ald. Mathias S. ; Revd. William J ephson, Minister of Christ Church ; John Snowe, Esq. ; and Francis Wheeler, mercht. be admitted free1pen at large. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Wrixon and ~,.!!xley; Alden. Westropp, Millerd, Smith, Philpott, Wrixon, J. Smith, Franklin, Maylor; Mr. Browne, Denroch, and Fuller, C. S. 22 Sep., 1772. Ordered, that 4s. lO!d. be paid Henry Wrixon, Esq.; 13s. 8d. Mr. John Jones ; and 4s. 3d. }.fr. Thomas Fuller, paid by them for measuring the proper places for fixing lamps in the several parishes. It., that Mr. ment immediately provide as many lamp irons, burners, oil

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