for the recovery of part of the Exchange on the title, ordered, that said sum be paid to l\Ir. Tioche's attorney. It., £2 13s. ll(l to l\Ir. Snowe for the 9 vol. of Vesey's Acts of Parliament and the statutes passed in the years 1769 and 1771. Present-Mr. Afayor, Sher. 'Vrixon; Ald•n. 'Vestropp, l\Iillerd, M. Smith, Franklin, J. Smith, Maylor, Baker, Wrixon ; 1\Ir. Browne, and Fuller, C. S. 28 Aug., 1772. The Mayor elect being approved of by the Lo.-Lieut. and r. C., was sworn to keep the secrets of the Council That Francis Armistead, Esq., eldest son of John A.; and James Dixon, cooper, having served Andrew Hill, do., be admitted freemen. Present-Mr. A!ayor, Sher. Wrixon; Alden. Parker, Owgan, l\Iillcrd, Philpott, Franklin, Maylor, Busteed, l\I. Sulith, Baker; l\Ir. Drowue, Denroch, and Fuller, C. S~ 4 Sep., 1772. Ordered, that a window be made in the Guard IIouse near Shan1lon Church, and that 1\Ir. Burgess Browne oversee same; It., that the stalls in the back flesh Shambles be set by public cant on the Exchange for one year at a weekly rent, to butchers only, one stall to be canted at a time ; It., that the stalls to be made for the sale of flesh on the North side of the present Fowl market be set as well to Popish as P1·otestant Butchers, not- withstanding the former order; It., £16 128. to Mrs. Esther Holmes for clothes supplied John Ryan, Joab Bowen, George Allen, and Wm. Jones, four boys put appreutice from the Blue Coat Hospital, to be charged on the loan of £920, &c., ; It., 98. 6d-. to Mr. Durgess Browne, expenses attending his marking out, in the parishes of S. Mary and S. Ann Shandon, places for erecting lamps; It., £21 118. 11d. to Mr. Kevan Izod for candles from 18 May, 1771, to 26 Aug. last ; It., that Mr. Sober Kent be appointed to conduct the erecting the present :Fowl market into a :Flesh shambles, pur- suant to a plan drawn by Andrew Dalton; It., that l!r. Kent get the broken lamps and lamp-irons repaired; It., £38 178. be paid Mr. Phineas Bagnell for printing-work from 19 Sep., 1771, to 24 Aug. last; It., that the house belonging to the Corporation on the S. side of the entrance into the Fowl market, lately tenanted by George l\Iorgan, be set by cant for seven 110-2 X
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