Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Puxley and Wrixon ; Alden. Newman, Parker, Owgan, Westropp, Smith, Franklin, Wrixon, J. Smith, Parks, Maylor, Baker, Collis, l\1r. Browne, Denroch, and Lawton, C. S. 17 .A 1'1'il, 1772. 'Vhereas the late Henry l\1oore, Esq., did by his will and testa1nent be- queath unto the Trustees of the North Infirmary the sum of £40, upon condition that the Corporation would take same at interest, and pay such interest for ever, for the use of said Infirmary, and if they refuse, said 1\foore did bequeath said sum to his executrix; ordered, that said sum be taken at interest at 5 pe1• cent. by the year. It., we are informed that a clause has been introduced into the act for this City, impowering the Grand Jury at each Assizes to raise certain sums for additional salaries for the Clerk of the Crown and Peace, or Town Clerk and Treasurer, without any directions from this Board ; ordered, that the J>rime Sargeant be requested next Sessions to apply to have said clauses repealed, and that l\1r. Lane do wait on hiln with a copy of this order. It., several complaints have been made by the inhabitants of this City, of the Coal Porters demanding more than the usual and accustomed hire for lanJing and carrying coal to the different parts of this City. Now we, the Mayor, &c., having considered the same, do find the usual price to be the proper hire for landing same, &c.; therefore we regulate the price for
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