for the regulating of the City of Cork, be paid out of the Corporation revenues; It., that £172 2s. 7ld. be paid Richd. Burt, glazier. That William Leycester, mercht., having served Harmer Delahoide and John Digby, mercht. ; Daniel Knight, mercht., having served Danl. Knight, do.; Geasly Wheeler, mercht., having served 'Vill. 'Villcocks, !lo. ; Michml Busteed Westropp, Esq., eldest son of Ralph ,V., Esq., dec., and Thomas 1\foore, mercht., having served Joseph Gray, dv., be admitted freemen at large. Ordered, that £4 11s. be paid William Rogers, for scales weights supplied the 1\Iarket Jury. Present-1\Ir. 1\Iayor, Sher. Wrixon and Puxley; Alden. 1\fillertl, Smith, Philpott, Bury, Franklin, 'Vrixon, J. S1nith, }>arks, llaker, :\lr. Drowne, Denroch and Lawton, C. S. 8 Feb., 1772. Ordered, that the following aflvertisement be inserted in Bagnall's Paper: "Whereas the different lenses of the stalls in the front l\!eat l\Iarkc·t 1utYn expired, notice is hereby given that the stalls will be set, proposals to 1Jc sent to the 1\Iaypr, and that 100 copies of the advertisement be posted up in the public parts of this City." Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Puxley ; Alden. Parker, 'Vestropp, 1\iillerd, Smith, Swete, Bury, Philpott, Franklin, 1\fr. Browne. 18 Feb., 1772. Whereas the Committee of 1\Ierchants have this day laid before th(~ Council the heads of an Act of Parliament for better regulating tra.Ue, ordered, that they be transmitted to 'Vill. Snowe, Esq., to be laid by him before the Prime Sargeant, and other lawyers employed in framing an Act, and that those heads be made part of said Act, and that said Snowe do draw on 1\Ir. Gerard Fehrman, Treasurer to the Committee of Merchants, for the expenses he shall be at. Present-1\Ir. 1\Iayor, Sher. Puxley ; Ald 811 • Newman, W estropp, 1\Iillerd, Philpott, Franklin, 'Vri.."{on, J. Smith, 1\-Ir. Browne, Denroche, and 1\lr. C. S. 8 .A ]Ydl, 1772. Ordered, that the Prime Sargeant be entertained at the Corporation ex- pense, and that the Sheriffs, Ald. Franklin and Baker, Mr. Denroch, and the C. S. be a committee to conduct said entertainment. 109-2
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