Rich. Caulfield Council Book of Cork & early annals



Whereas several necessary laws are wanting for the good government of this City, ordered, that ~Ir. Snowe, Town Clerk, proceed to Dublin, to.solicit the obtaining of such laws, awl that 100 guineas be paid him to defray his expenses. Present-Mr. I\fayor, Sher. 'Vrixon; Alden. Parker, Westropp, Millerd, Philpott, Bury, :Franklin, J. Smith, I\Ir. Browne, and l\fr. C. S. 23 Dec., 1771. Ordered, that 1\Ir. I\Iayor and l\fr. 'Vrixon do finish the entrance to the l!ayoralty House, according to.the plan. There being two vacancies for an Alderman of the 'Vard for this City, ordered, that a posting be put up on the Exchange for holding a C. D. H. ou 6 Jan. to choose an Alderman to fill said vacancy. "\Vhereas an eJectment is brought on the title by Edward Roche, Esq., against this Corporation for part of the Exchange, ordered, that no payment of rent be made until the suit is decided. Present-1\Ir. I\fayor, Sher. Wrixon; Alden. Parker, Wcstropp, Millcrd, Bury, Wetherall, Franklin, J. Smith, ~Iaylor, Baker; llr. Browne, Dcnroch, and Mr. C. S. 14 Jan., 1772. Ordered, that .£6 13s.· 9d. be paid Francis Carleton, Esq., the amount of ~fr. Wrixon's bill of costs and fee paid the Prime Sargeant for his opinion on the late Insolvent Act, which was paid by Carleton to Wrixon. Whereas it appears that several persons unknown, supposed to be journeymen weavers, did riotously meet on 11 Jan. in st. and forcibly enter the dwelling-house of Joseph Harrison, of Goulnaspurra, Woollen- draper, and cut, destroy, and carry away part of his goods. In order to bring such offenders to punishment, ordered, that 100 guineas be paid any person who within twelve months shall convict such offenders. It., that 10 guineas be paid the Coroners for half a year's salary. Present-Mr. I\Ir..yor, Sher. Puxley ; Alden. Parker, 'Vestropp, Millerd, Smith, Bury, Franklin, J. Smith ; lfr. Browne and Denroch. 21 Jan., 1772. Ordered, that 3 guineas be paid 'Vill. Verling., Esq., for drawing two memorials, and for his opinion on the power of constables. 109

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