25 Sep., 1771. No business for want of a sufficient number.-.John Lane, Dep. Clk. of the Council. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Lucas·; Alden. Owgan,. W estropp, ]\fillerd, Busteed, and Philpott 21 Oct., 1771. John Webb, Esq., l\1ayor~ This day the Sheriffs were sworn of the Cominon Council. 'lYhereas the present Market days, Wednesdays and Saturdays, are found inconvenient by the Citizens and Country, by the quantity of wheat and oats brought to Market on said days, orderecl, that said markets shall be held on every Tuesday and Friday in ~very week for the sale of oats and the usual days for wheat. It., that Mr. Mayor and Henry Wrixon, Esq., do draw on the Chamber- lain for £200 to buy chimney-pieces, finish the front, and decorate the 1\fayoralty House; It., that the Recorder complete the Acts of Parliament to the present time; that £1 13s. 10~d. be paid Richdr. Evans, Exchange Porter, for brooms, &c. It., that 12 feet from the Main street, in depth, of the ground on which the late h'mse of Mr. Henry Rugge stood, be purchased by the Corporation, and that the Commissioners appointed for opening and enlarging public ways be applied to to treat with the proprietor for the purchase, and in case of his refusal, to do as they are empowered by Act of Parliament. That l\1r. Thomas Webb, at the request of the Mayor, be admitted free. It., that Ann Upington be continued to take care of the clocks at the Exchange, same salary as her late husband. Present-Mr. Mayor, Sher. Wrixon and Puxley; Alden. Parker, Owgan,. Westropp, 1\:Iillerd, Busteed, Philpott, Franklin, Baker, Collis, and l\fr. C. S. 28 Oct., 1771. This day Ald. Franklin and Mr.·Browne report, that they had examined the accounts of Francis Carleton, Esq,, relative to Bretridge's and Skiddy's Alms houses and that there is a balance of £342 lOs. 3d. due of him, that Bretric.lge's men and Skiddy's women are paid in full, and that £48 English is due from the Vintners' Company of London for two years' annuity,. and
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